Luke: Got time to talk?

He held the phone expectantly and was rewarded when Coury’s name appeared.

“Hey, Coury. Thanks for making time for me.”

“As if. So, what’s up?” Coury paused, but before Luke could answer, he added, “Or should I guess this has to do with Nico?”

“Sorta. It’s Kent, which kinda means it involves Nico. But not really.”

“Wow. Philadelphia is really improving your communication skills.”

“C’mon. I’m serious.” Normally he was good goofing with Coury, but not right then. “You were right.”

“I usually am.” If it wasn’t true, Luke would have told him to fuck off. “What was I right about?”

“Sebastian broke up with Kent.”

“Too bad I didn’t bet you. You’d have to pay me whatever I wanted.”

Ha! “Kent asked if he could crash at our place for a night or two.”

“Are you shitting me? That’s some fucking balls.”


“You didn’t say yes, did you?”

Clearly his roommate saw him as a total pushover. “Of course not. Nico told me the reason he’s been holding back all summer is he’s afraid I’ll go back to Kent.”

“As if you’d take that ass-munch back.”

“Yeah, I can’t believe I dated him in the first place.” Luke paused when he thought someone was coming. No one walked by. “Nico doesn’t want Kent around.”

“Can’t blame him for that.”

“Nope, me neither. I promised him he wouldn’t have to see Kent again. Which is why Kent absolutely can’t stay at my place.”

“Luke, even if you hadn’t promised Nico, he absolutely shouldn’t stay at your place.”

“I know.” This time he definitely heard someone. “Hang on.”

Before he’d turned round, Kent walked in. “Luke. Can I talk to you?”

“I’m on the phone.” He tried to shoo Kent out of the room, but the asshole walked further into the small office.

“I know, but this is important. I really need to talk to you. Please.”

“Hang on, Coury.” He held the phone against his chest. “I said no. Now will you leave? I’m busy.”

“Yeah, talking to your roommate is such a work-related activity.” He pulled back the chair and sat. “I’ll wait until you’re done with your personal call.”

“As if you’re here to discuss work. Go wait in your office.”

“I’ll wait here.”

Gritting his teeth, Luke shook his head. “Fine.” He freed the phone. “I’ll call you in a few, Coury. I need to get outside.”


Luke snagged his badge off the desk without looking at Kent. He stopped at the door. “If you’re here when I get back, I’m calling security.”

A stomach-rumbling aroma met Luke halfway up the stairs. Whatever Nico was making smelled amazing. He smiled, thinking of Nico at the stove, cooking something Nonna taught him. Making dinner for them.

A wave of new deliciousness struck him as Luke pushed the door open. Luke was sure he’d never had it before.

“Honey, I’m—” He stopped in the doorway. “Home.”

Nico stood in the living room pounding out something on his phone. The real shock, however, was Kent. Sitting on the couch with his bags at his feet.

“I asked for one thing,” Nico whispered. “I thought you promised.”

“Nico . . .” Luke’s head whipped toward Kent. “What are you doing here?”

“You said I could stay here for a couple of nights.” The nasty smirk slammed into Luke like a gut punch. “Sorry if I got here before you could talk to Nico.”

“The fuck? I told you . . .” He turned back to Nico. “I told him no.”

“Really?” Nico looked on the verge of tears. “You break your word and then you lie about it?”


“I have the emails, Luke! Kent forwarded them to me.” He tapped his finger hard on the phone screen. “You told him you’d talk to me and it would be okay for him to stay.”

“Nico, I—” His phone pinged, and he looked down. An email from Nico.

“What the fuck is this?”

From: Kent

To: Luke

Seb broke up with me. Can I crash at your place for a couple of nights?

~ ~ ~

From: Luke

To: Kent

Sorry to hear it. Yeah, you can crash at the apartment.

~ ~ ~

From: Kent

To: Luke

You sure it’s okay with Nico?

~ ~ ~

From: Luke

To: Kent

I’ll talk to him. I’m sure it will be fine.

~ ~ ~

He read the emails three times before he looked up. “I didn’t write these.”

Nico had been watching him but turned away as soon as Luke looked up. His expression broke Luke’s heart.

“That’s it?” He stepped into his shoes. “You didn’t write them?”

Luke looked at Kent, but before he could answer, Nico walked past him.

“I expected better from you.” Nico opened the door. “On so many levels.”

He walked out of the apartment and shut the door, hard.

“Nico! Wait.” Luke put his phone on the table by the door and reached for the handle. Kent grabbed his arm before he could open the door.

When Luke turned, Kent had his bag over his shoulder. “I’ve changed my mind. I’ll get a hotel room. You two have some issues to work out.”