Luke chuckled. “Name it.”

Nico met his eye. “I don’t ever want to see Kent again.”

Chapter Fifteen


Nico’s blood ran hot and fizzy. Wine flowed easily with Isaiah and Darren—as did their conversation. Especially the one where Luke spilled the beans about his first time hooking up with a farm boy.

Adorable, and hot—if only a PG retelling.

They left at midnight, navigating SEPTA, missed their stop, and doubled back.

Laughing, Luke led them up the stairs to their apartment. Nico put a finger to his lips. “Quiet. Mrs. R is sleeping.”

His voice echoed off the walls, prompting a louder “shhhh” from Luke. Who promptly tripped over a large, battered box outside their door.

“Holy shit,” Luke said. “The air mattress came.”

Nico eyed the scuffs and dents. “Bet it won’t work.” He fumbled to get the key in the lock.

“Sounds like you’re hoping it doesn’t.” Luke scooped up the box and grunted. “Heavy. How did Mrs. R get it up here?”

Nico snickered as he pushed open their door. “She’s Wonder Woman in disguise.” He twirled around and fell onto their couch.

Laughter filled their apartment, prompting more shushing from Nico.

Luke plunked the box on the floor and staggered. Lightweight.

Nico steadied him. “Let’s get you to bed.”

“Yes, let’s.” He threw his arms around Nico’s head and whispered huskily in his ear, warm breath tickling his sensitive neck. “Take me, Nico.”

Nico sucked in a breath.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, a warning flashed: bad idea. “Luke. You’re drunk.”

“Tipsy. Not wasted.” Luke’s tongue teased Nico’s lobe. “I know exactly what I’m doing.”

Nico’s body betrayed him with a moan. “This is a bad idea.”

Luke tightened his hold and nibbled Nico’s neck. “It feels so good with you. How can that be bad?”

Kent. Backup. Second fiddle.

God, those lips did devious things.

His cock pressed achingly hard against Luke’s crotch. “It’s crossing a line.”

“A line we crossed before, and we’re still good.” Luke grabbed Nico’s ass. Tight and firm.

Nico gasped. Yes, but . . .

But . . .

Nico leaned into Luke, canting his hips, reveling in the friction. Luke crushed his lips over Nico’s groan.

“You’re so fucking hot,” Luke whispered between slick, needy kisses. “I want you so bad.”

Nico squeezed Luke’s nape and fucked his tongue into his pleading mouth. Luke tightened around him, all heat and friction, and they stumbled.

Nico’s brain shouted for him to ignore the animalistic lust pounding through him and pull back. Fall any deeper and he was fucked.

Luke threaded their fingers and led Nico to the bedroom.

Every step, hormones shunted logic to the background.

Just one more night. Just fun.

Then they’d go back to being just friends.


Luke wasn’t sure this was a good idea, but he didn’t care. Watching Nico with his friends, seeing how much color and sass burst out of him . . . Luke shivered. He’d been half-hard all night. Every sentence, every touch lit Luke’s nerve endings.

They were amazing together.

Maybe another round of mind-blowing sex would nudge Nico into the light?

He pulled Nico into a passionate kiss, hands roaming over the hard lines of his sexy body.

He yanked the tails of Nico’s shirt from his shorts, slid his hands under his boxers, and massaged Nico’s amazing ass.

Nico bucked forward, urgently pushing up Luke’s shirt. Luke raised his arms, and Nico broke their kiss, removing the cotton polo. Fingers snapped to his shorts, knuckles massaging his cock as he unbuttoned them. Luke cursed with desire, cupped Nico’s face, and plunged his tongue into his hot mouth.

Nico hummed needily and shoved Luke’s shorts down. Luke stepped out of the material, flinging them away with his foot.

He gripped Nico’s shirt. “Let me—”

“Nope.” Gently but firmly Nico pushed him back onto the bed. “Turnabout is fair play. Tonight, I want you naked first.”

Tonight. Luke loved the way that sounded like there might be more nights. He scooted onto the mattress, leaned back on his elbows, and cocked his brow. “I hope you enjoy the view as much as I did.”

Nico’s eyes blazed. He ripped his shirt off and flung it aside. “Fuck, what are you doing to me?”

“Anything you want.” Everything.

Nico’s eyes locked on Luke’s with a burning intensity that skittered through Luke’s veins like wildfire.

Luke reached into the nightstand and pulled out the lube and condoms he’d stashed there.

Nico ditched his clothes and crawled onto the bed, gloriously naked. He settled his warm, heavy weight atop Luke. “Planning ahead, Mr. DeRosa?”

“Fuck, yeah.” He arched wantonly against Nico, cocks rubbing.

Nico shuddered, molding into the thrusts, and Luke looped a leg around the back of Nico’s and rolled them.

He smirked down at a flushed Nico.

Nico raised his head, snatching a kiss, hands pulling and kneading Luke’s ass. A finger slid between his cheeks and touched his opening. Luke moaned his approval. They were definitely going there.

But not yet.

Luke kissed down Nico’s body, ran his tongue around the left nipple, and gently bit. Nico cursed and convulsed hard. “Found a spot, did I?”