“What? Did Rocco make ’em with special filling?”

“Eww.” Nico’s face squished up like he’d eaten something foul. “Do not ever go there again.”

Luke laughed. “Why are they so rare?”

“They were free.”

“Why is that so rare? Do they always make you pay for them?”

“Almost always, yes. I mean, if you worked for Macy’s, would they give you a shirt if you asked?”

Luke snorted. “Clearly you had that canned answer ready. Had this discussion before?”

“Many times. New employees almost always ask for a free pastry, especially at the end of the day if we have a lot left over.” Nico’s tongue darted out over the tip of his thumb and he licked off a splotch of cream.

The image went straight to Luke’s groin. He shifted in his seat. “That makes total sense.”

“This might not be the best time to ask this, since I’m plying you with utter perfection, but Elliott asked my parents and grandparents to come to dinner in Philly next weekend. His family lives in the suburbs.” Nico snuck a peek over his cannoli and averted his eyes quickly. “He invited us too.”

“Us? I thought your sister knew there isn’t a real us?” Yet. Ever?

“She does, and so does Elliott, I think.” He set his cannoli down. “My parents asked if you were invited and Elisa didn’t know how to answer that, so she said yes.”

“Oh.” So Nico was calling in his favor? “Next weekend?”

“Yeah.” Squaring his shoulders, Nico looked Luke in the eye. “But no pressure. Really. If it feels weird, say no. My family won’t think it’s weird if you’re not there.”

If he didn’t need to bring a date, why was Nico asking? “So you’re not calling in your favor?”

“No, this isn’t a ‘favor’, it’s just a favor.” Nico shrugged, and they both laughed. “I love my family, but I could use a friend to hang with. If you can make it, I’d appreciate it, if not, it’s all good.”

“Yeah?” Luke tapped his fork to his water glass and smirked. “Will there be more practicing?”

“Definitely.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Gotta train Elliott’s family before the reception.”

Luke’s phone buzzed, and on instinct he pulled it out.

Kent: Do you know where the picnic is and what time it starts?

No way Kent didn’t know this. Hell, Luke knew off the top of his head. What was Kent up to?

Luke: No.

“Kent?” Nico asked.

“Yeah, he’s being a butthead.” He went to put the phone away, but it vibrated again.

Kent: C’mon. I know you know. We’re on the boat and Seb needs to check his calendar.

That was supposed to make him more inclined to help?

Luke: I’m busy. Check your emails.

After angrily typing his reply, Luke pushed the phone into his pocket. Nico watched him with an oddly somber expression. “Sorry.”

“No worries. Exes are hard.” That fake smile returned. “That’s why I’m taking a break from dating.”

“Right.” That clarified things. The kiss on the cheek was nothing, then. Just a thank you for lunch. “About next weekend, I don’t . . .”

Nico’s expression fell, and the sight jolted through Luke. “It’s cool. I’ll tell my family—”

“I don’t want to miss it.”

“You don’t?” Nico perked up. “You want to go?”

He gave Nico a tiny smirk. “If that’s what you want.”

“Yeah, of course! I wasn’t sure you’d want to. I mean . . .”

“I like your family. It’ll be fun.” Even if it rubs what I want in front of my face. “Wanna go for a run later?”

“Sure. After we have time to digest.”

Food wasn’t the only thing Luke needed to digest.

Chapter Twelve


Nico: The Forsythe? Are you kidding me?

Elisa: What’s wrong with the Forsythe? It’s a nice hotel.

Nico: Luke’s ex is dating a Forsythe.

Elisa: So? They’re staying there overnight, we’re not eating there.

Elisa was right. It didn’t matter. Luke wouldn’t care. He never said anything bad about Sebastian.

So why did Nico feel like this was a betrayal?

Because he had it bad for Luke and wanted to protect him.

Nico felt Luke climb into his side of the bed, and Nico dropped his phone on the nightstand and curled into the blankets. His heart hammered, and he told himself to calm down. Just because they ended up wrapped like pretzels once, didn’t mean it’d happen again.

Luke shifted and stilled, and Nico relaxed, disappointment flaring through him.

What had he hoped? After one tiny kiss on Luke’s cheek, he’d brazenly wrap him into a hug and whisper how much he liked him? How much he wanted to give this a go? How much he liked Nico for Nico?

Warm, wriggly movement woke Nico from a deep sleep. He hummed, and hair tickled his nose. Hair?

He jolted awake.

Nico was curled around Luke, one arm draped over his tight, flat stomach. And Luke was snuggling back into him.

Holy shit. It was happening again. But this time he was hugging Luke with a raging hard-on. Something Luke had to notice grinding against his supple ass.