With his heart pounding, Luke released Nico’s hand, turned to his left, and rose from his seat. Mr. and Mrs. Umstead had got up and awaited their arrival. Chris mirrored them on the upper level.

“I’m not sure if we should be offended that you sat as far from us as you could,” Mr. Umstead said. His smile said he was joking, but Luke couldn’t be sure.

“That’s my fault, sir,” Nico said. “When I first came out, I expected everyone would want to be out here to see the game. I tried to make it easier for everyone by sitting down here.”

“Very considerate of you.” He held out his hand to Luke. “Ted Umstead. Chris speaks very highly of you.”

“Thank you, sir. I . . . Chris is really teaching me a lot.”

“This is my wife, Janice.”

“Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Umstead.” Luke wasn’t sure at first if he should shake her hand but held his out to be safe. She smiled as she accepted. “This is my boyfriend, Nico Amato.”

They exchanged pleasantries until the time between innings ended. Chris did most of the talking, and Luke didn’t remember much of what was said. Ted pointed out the eighth inning was about to start.

“I understand you play third base for Harrison’s baseball team.” Ted smiled at Luke.

“Yes, sir.”

“It takes some grit to play the hot corner. I like that.”

Luke wasn’t sure Ted was speaking just about baseball. “It has its moments, but I love it.”

“Since no one else is smart enough to realize these are the best seats, why don’t you both join us?” Luke glanced at Chris, who gave him the barest of nods.

“Thank you, sir.” He checked with Nico, who didn’t object. “That’s nice of you.”

“No, thank you,” he said. “It’s always nice to sit with real fans.”

The bartender brought everyone another drink. Luke sipped his. Sitting with the firm’s managing partner, his supervising partner, and their spouses had its perks. It also brought with it a raft of dirty looks. People had to be invited to sit with Mr. Umstead, and invites were scarce. Good thing Nico had sat at the end of the row.

It also explained the dirty looks he’d gotten at the office. Chris was a favorite of Ted’s and would probably join the executive suite soon. Taking Luke under his wing had been one thing. Getting invited to sit with the Umsteads suggested bigger things. At least to others. Luke didn’t take an offer for granted.

“I’ll have Luke give you my information,” Nico said. “When your parents bring the kids, let me know. I’ll probably be working during the holiday, but I’ll make sure Nonno is too so he can greet them.”

Ted wanted to talk baseball with Luke. As Chris said, he’d brought up his college playing days. While they talked, Chris and the “spouses” chatted. Clearly it had gotten around to Amato’s Bakery.

“That’s not really necessary. My kids always enjoy the trip.”

“Not everything we do is necessary.” Nico smiled, and his dimple showed. So damn cute. “Nonno is a great baker and loves dealing with the customers. He’ll get a kick out of your visit. He’s been much happier now that Mom and Dad take care of the business side of things.”

“Which one are you?” Linda Rayner asked.

The Phillies’ closer was entering the game, and Ted was listening to the spouses’ conversation. Nico glanced at Luke, so he leaned closer. He was rewarded with a smile. A hand touched his, and Luke laced his fingers in Nico’s. The gentle squeeze back told him everything was right in the world.

“I like to think I’m the two of them combined. I love talking to customers, I love to bake, and hopefully I’ll be as good at the business as Papà. Plus, my cousin CJ wants to join the business, and my grandfather is thrilled.”

“What about you? Is having your cousin as a partner a good thing?” Janice asked.

“The best. CJ’s a natural.”

“I always wanted to run my own business,” Ted said. “But things work out as they do.”

“Come visit the bakery over Christmas and it might dissuade you of the idea.” Nico gave them a long-suffering look that had everyone laughing.

“Well said.” Ted turned back to the field. “Let’s see if Neris can lock this down for us.”

They made it home later than Luke expected. When the game ended, Mr. Umstead went inside to socialize with his staff and asked Luke to join him. The attention rattled Luke’s nerves, but Nico chatted with Mrs. Umstead and kept the mood light. After she laughed once too often, others seemed to crowd them.

Without missing a beat, the two continued their chat, trading funny stories that ensured people didn’t discuss work. Chris and his wife had stayed, adding to the conversation in a way that suggested he and Mr. Umstead were close.