So many problems with that idea. “Did I mention it’s a one-bedroom apartment?”

“Details.” Coury typed. “First thing is to find you a roommate, then you can worry about who’s sleeping where.”

“You don’t need to do this. I’ll figure it out.”

“I’m sure you will, but I know you. You’ll go into a funk and procrastinate. You’ve only got a couple of weeks to sort this out.”

“Right, because so many people at Harrison are going to Philly for the summer and still need a place to live.”

“Hey, things happen.” Coury nodded pointedly at Luke. “People get dumped. I’m sure there are more than a few people who’ve had a change of plans.”

“Sure. Tons.”

“All you need is one.” He spun the screen around. “Fill out the details.”

Luke stared blankly. His choices were limited. If he had to pay for the apartment by himself, he’d need to get a part-time job over the summer and during the school year. Both of those would affect his job prospects after he graduated.

Asking his family was a no-go, too.

“Right.” Luke took the laptop and started typing. “All I need is one.”

Chapter Two


Nico glared at his phone screen as he hurried toward his sociology lecture. Elisa smiled sheepishly, her cheeks ruddy, her hair a mass of almost black curls around her shoulders.

“Seriously, E. Papà’s paying me half what he was paying the wedding planner. Half. Have you seen what rents cost? There won’t be enough to eat and go out.”

“Go out . . .” He could hear her eyes roll. “You have savings. Or you could room with someone?”

Nico cast his head toward the cloudy sky. Okay, so yes, he had money. But that was not the point. He didn’t want this job to cost him.

As for rooming . . . his stomach twisted sharply. He had it good with Isaiah at Harrison, but a roommate like him was one in a million. Not everyone could handle Nicodemo Giacomo Amato.

He’d be in for an awkward summer.

Lips pressed in a firm line, he met Elisa’s pleading brown eyes. His jaw unlocked. Elisa was doing that thing. That weaseling into his heart thing. That thing Nico couldn’t get grumpy at. “Fine,” he sighed dramatically. “I’ll share with someone or I’ll tap my savings. But if Papà starts getting fussy and ultra-demanding, you gotta rein him in with those puppy eyes.”

She snorted, rolling her eyes. “He’s not that bad.”

“Sister, please.” He snapped his fingers dramatically, hitting a passerby in the face.

A little overzealous. His bad. “Oh, my. I’m sorry,” Nico said, eyes latching on to the guy’s disapproving frown.


Don’t check him out. Don’t.

But Nico did. He couldn’t help it. Because the guy was quite the specimen of athletic grace. Lean and toned and very, very hot. Brown floppy hair and hazel eyes. Dark shirt. Navy jeans. Big hands. Bigger feet . . .

Nico jerked his head up and pressed his fingers against his chest. “Sincerely sorry. You know, about your face.”

Hottie remained a beat, hesitating, frown deepening as his gaze sized him up.

Nico pushed the pain of that judgement under all the other such moments he’d experienced in his life. Just another Tuesday.

Nico stepped to Hottie’s right, and Hottie lurched to Nico’s left. They collided, Nico’s foot stomping on Hottie’s toes. For crying out loud.

They both corrected, and it became a ridiculous mirrored dance.

Heat whispered up Nico’s neck, and someone giggled. His traitorous sister, who still stared at him from the phone he clutched.

Nico stopped moving, turned sideways and swept his arms theatrically to the side. “After you.”

Hottie passed like he was on fire, tossing out a sarcastic, “Thanks.”

Nico admired the magnificent ass as it moved down the sidewalk. Too bad he was an asshole. “Stupid fucker.”

The guy’s step stuttered. His shoulders lifted in a deep inhale, then he kept walking. His “Fuck my life so hard” trailed on a breeze toward Nico.

Fuck his life? Poor hottie had a run-in with a bit of flamboyance. His life was ruined. He’d have to hide it from his jock friends. He’d be depressed for the whole day.

Nico kissed a middle finger at his retreating figure and swallowed to fill the achy inferiority in his gut. The loneliness.

“Boo?” Elisa’s voice sounded far away. Nico returned his focus to her. “You okay?”

“Fine, E. Tell Papà I’ll call him tonight with an update. And don’t worry. I’ll find a place to stay.”

“You’re the best!”

Yeah, the best drama queen.


Luke lay in bed, awake, unable to switch off his mind.

Completely screwed might sum up his situation.

He was due to leave for Philly in a week, and the only response to his roommate wanted ad had been from a dodgy-as-fuck sugar daddy. Being asked what he was willing to do for financial help turned Luke’s guts inside out.

This couldn’t be his only option, surely.

It wouldn’t be.

If it came to it, he’d get a second job. Realistically, he would manage that. Scrape by.