Both our mouths drew into the shape of an O. I sat down, taking him in all the way. The pressure of having him inside me was addictive.

Shy fell back onto the bed. I started to ride him, up and down, placing both my hands on his chest. We started to sound like wild animals, our sounds being pushed out with the force of Shy fucking into me. I grabbed my dick, stopping it from bouncing, and started to jerk, feeling myself getting closer and closer to the edge.

Shiro’s love-drunk gaze told me he was getting close, too.

“Fuck, baby, keep riding me like that,” he said, the pleasure dripping off his tone.

“I’m getting close,” I warned, the pressure building inside my balls.

“Do it, Nick. I want you to shoot all over me.”

I rode him slow and deep, relishing in every inch of him sinking into me, pushing against my swollen prostate. It was all I needed. My head tilted back, and my orgasm slammed through me. I shot my load, my balls emptying all over Shy, ropes of come shooting across his chest, thick and white, some dripping off his chin. I looked down, my body twitching, and I watched as Shy reached his peak with me. He bucked into me and held himself there as he came, filling me up with his come.

In a heap, I collapsed onto him, not caring that I got sticky and wet with him. We kissed through our smiles, pecks at first, evolving into something more. He was still inside me, his dick growing soft before falling out. I stayed on top of him, looking down into dreamy eyes, a pair of eyes that I had fallen in love with from the moment I saw him standing in his banana briefs. Even back then, deep, deep down, I knew I had fallen for him. It was love at first sight, except I was too scared to even think about it.

Not now, though. I could see that what I felt was real and there was no reason to be scared anymore.

“Come on,” I said, kissing him again. “Let’s get cleaned up. We’ve got breakfast to go to.”

“Breakfast? But I already ate,” Shy said, giving my ass a playful slap as I got up from the bed, come smeared across my chest and stomach.

“Well, make room for some more sausage and eggs.” I grabbed a hand towel from the bathroom and threw one to Shiro, who wiped himself off and met me inside the bathroom, still wearing that drunken smile. I couldn’t help but kiss him again. Distance had sucked, but it wasn’t anything we couldn’t overcome. It just meant I had to cherish every moment we spent together that much more. And that meant showering Shy in as many kisses as I could manage.

Although, with the Christmas gift I planned on giving Shiro, I hoped the distance would become even less of an issue.

We hopped in the shower and washed each other off. After we avoided getting distracted once again, we went to change into our clothes.

“Wait, hold on,” Shiro said before I took off my towel and pulled on my briefs. “I’ve got a Christmas gift for you. Nothing major, but, well I couldn’t help it.”

He went over to his suitcase and unzipped it. He pulled out a wrapped box, the silver wrapping paper crinkling as he brought it over to me. I smiled and gave him a kiss as thanks.

“You really didn’t have to.” I knew how difficult it could be trying to find a gift for someone who had almost everything he could ask for, so I appreciated even just the thought. But when I opened the black box underneath the wrapping, I appreciated the gift even more.

“Like them?” Shy asked as I pulled the jockstraps out of the box, smiling wide.

“I love them,” I said, checking out the pair of underwear. The box had brought two, one for Shy and one for me. They were both silky and black, with cartoon bananas printed across the thick white waistband.

“Now you can be banana boy, too.” Shy kissed me as I thanked him again, absolutely loving my gift. I handed him his pair with another kiss. I couldn’t stop.

“Let’s start a tradition,” I said, checking us out with our new jockstraps. Shy filled his out in a way that had my mouth watering. “Let’s wear these every Christmas.”

“Deal.” Shy gave a playful grab at my growing bulge. “Now let’s keep getting dressed so we don’t miss breakfast.”

“Hold on, hold on.” It was my turn. I went over to my closet and opened it, reaching up to the top shelf, above the rack of coats. I grabbed the small rectangular box and walked back to Shy’s side. “I was going to wait, but screw it—it already feels like I’ve been waiting my whole life.” I handed over the box, wrapped in a royal blue wrapping with a red velvet bow tied around the center and across its length. “Open it.”