Jonah laughed, the sound filling the dreary room. There was a window, but it looked out to another hospital room window.

“When we get out of here,” I said, “I want to cuddle up on the couch with you, put on some cheesy show on the TV, and spend the entire weekend laughing and kissing you.”

Jonah’s smile was so wide, his eyes were wrinkling at the corners. He leaned in for another kiss, this one sweet and warm. “Sounds like a good idea.”

Of course it did.

Anything involving me and Jonah was bound to be a good idea.




Today was a big day. I had a lot ahead of me, and it was Fox who was going to be there with me through it all.

Hell, he had a big day ahead of him, too.

There was some movement next to me on the bed, letting me know my alarm had also woken up Fox, who was stretching under the sheets and rolling over, putting an arm around me and drawing me in close to him. He was so warm, I swore Fox turned into a furnace in his sleep. Somehow, someway, the second his eyes shut, he let go of heat like a broken radiator.

And I loved it.

I melted into his shape, feeling the curves and lines of his body against my back, my ass.

His morning wood was hard against me, making mine throb against my briefs.

“Good morning,” I said, rolling so that I was facing him. Between us, our hard dicks were pressed together. He kissed me, a tired smile on his face.

We were in our bedroom, the morning sunlight filling the space.

Since I’d pretty much moved in, I had added a few touches to the room that made it feel like it was mine as well. There was the pile of dirty clothes next to my hamper, along with a couple of socks I had left next to the closest. And there was a cheap painting I’d been meaning to hang up, but instead was just sitting in its thin black frame against the wall.

Fox had welcomed me into his home with open arms from the second I came over, all those months ago, the night we played Ring of Fire and hooked up for the first ever time. Since then, Fox had made me feel like all that was his was mine, too. He was generous and kind and sweet and funny and gorgeous.

Fox was fucking perfect.

I went in for another kiss, pushing my leg between his so that my thigh was sandwiched in his legs, his heat wrapping around me. We were both shirtless, his chest feeling so good against mine.

“You ready for today?” Fox asked in a break from our morning make-out session.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“What time are we supposed to get there by?”

“Not until the afternoon.” More kisses. More smiles. “We’ve got time.”

I could feel how excited that news made Fox, his cock throbbing against my belly as I pushed against him under the sheets. God, how I loved waking up like this, having my man next to me and wanting me from the second the day started, in the same fiery way I wanted him.

And to think, that was almost taken away from me, all before it ever really began.

Our boat chase with Pierre had been risky, and Fox paid for it with blood, but we managed to close the case and lock the bastard up. The DEA was able to track down his lab and shut it down permanently. We were worried his formula for Dragon would still leak, but it turns out that worrying wasn’t needed.

Two weeks after being in prison, Pierre was stabbed and killed by another inmate in a prison riot. Dragon died with him that day. Meanwhile, Dylan and Lucien were both dealing as well as they could, considering they were in love with a sociopathic, drug-dealing monster that was betraying their trust every waking second of every day.

It was difficult, but we could all take some peace in knowing that the Dragon problem was done for good.

“You’re extra awake this morning,” Fox said, greedily sucking on my bottom lip.

“And so are you,” I said, feeling his hardness against me.

My hand snuck down under the covers, over Fox’s side, gliding over his hip. I slipped under the waistband of his boxers and started to massage his ass as our kiss began to gain even more steam. I kneaded and massaged, slipping a finger between the two globes, loving how he felt when he squirmed with pleasure against my touch.

The same way I had been squirming for him.

Ever since he popped my bottoming cherry, I couldn’t get enough. I loved having Fox inside me, stretching me open, filling me up with his size, with his seed.

I loved it, and I wanted it more than anything.