“Nope, nothing.” I pulled out a pair of compact binoculars from my pocket. “We can share this. It’s all we really need.”

“Nice. All right, man. Let’s get to birding.”

“Let’s do it,” I said, finding that my mood was soaring as high as the birds we were about to go watch.

We started walking down the red-bricked path, which I could see transformed to dirt a few feet up ahead. The trees, a mixture of cabbage palm trees and tall bald cypress trees, set a romantic and nature-filled backdrop that was worlds different from the surrounding city of Miami. It felt like a little getaway in the heart of a busy city, and that was why I loved it, so I was excited to share it with Jonah. Not to mention, the bird-watching was top-notch in the park, with all kinds of species flying in from all over the place to rest on the tall cypress branches.

“I got a chance to meet with an overdose victim earlier today.”

“How’d it go?” Sticks crunched under our shoes.

“I got information… but it’s a doozy.”

The trees around the path got thicker as we walked, moving deeper into the park. I already spotted a few birds I wanted to point out to Jonah, the initial purpose of our meeting here, but talking about the case would need to take precedence. “What’d you learn?”

Jonah gave me the rundown of how his visit to Miami Memorial hospital had gone, and I was blown away by the information he had gathered. Jonah was proving to be an impressive detective, like I knew he would be.

“I thought Dylan had said, ‘We’ve never taken it; none of us have done Dragon.’ So then what the hell?”

“Someone in that room lied to us.”

I cracked a few knuckles. “So your ‘early theory’ back at the beach, it doesn’t even look like a theory anymore. It looks like the answer. One of the guys running Club Trinity could also be running this Dragon scheme.” I was a little floored. Jonah’s idea had sounded solid, but there had been no evidence that supported it. Now, we had a victim who was saying one of them secretly drugged him with Dragon. I stopped walking, taking it all in. “This is huge.”

“It’s big.” Jonah stood by my side, arms crossed. “But still not definitive.”

“Why would they have the drug in the first place? They’re trying so hard to get rid of it; if one of them had a connection, then why not tell us? Why hide it?”

“Because they’re the ones who stand to get in trouble…”

“Exactly. I really want to see that fucking security footage. Pierre still hasn’t gotten back to me about it.”

Jonah’s brow arched. “Yeah, I think it’s vital we see the tapes. I wonder if they have that VIP section under surveillance?”

“No, I’ve asked before. Cameras are only throughout the main areas of the club and the surrounding perimeter outside of it.”

“We definitely need to have a conversation with them.”

This was good. As shocked as I felt, I knew that this was a step in the right direction. We were getting somewhere, and in a case where time was crucial, every little step mattered.

I glanced at my watch. It was nearing the end of the day but still hadn’t hit seven yet. “Jonah, we might have to cancel our bird-watching excursion.”

“Want to meet with the guys?”

“Yeah,” I answered, taking out my phone.

“Already considered it. They’re on their honeymoon, won’t be back for a few weeks.”

“Fuck,” I let out. “You’re right. Okay, we’ll have to schedule something with them the day they get back.”

“Already did that on my way here.” Jonah was smiling wide, his juicy lips drawing my attention. “You’re on top of your shit, Jonah. I’m really impressed.” Damn it this man was good, and it made me want to kiss that smile right off that handsome baby face of his, which was looking a little more mature since he had some stubble he was letting in. Maybe this was his new era, the post-Wendy look.

I liked it, although I had a feeling I would be attracted to Jonah regardless of how he grew his facial hair.

Which is totally batshit fucking crazy. I’ve officially lost it.

I started to walk again, feeling myself wall up. This had been happening over the past few days. I’d feel myself letting go, letting loose, and then I’d clam right back up the second I acknowledged it.

How? How could I allow myself to lower my defenses over a man who was nothing more than a friend to me? As harsh as that sounded, and as badly as I didn’t want it to be true, it was the flat-out, undeniable truth.

A friend who’s sucked me off… who’s slept in my bed… who’s been the center of my persistent wet dreams…

What was I even thinking, inviting him out here to bird-watch with me? Maybe I should end it now. There won’t be much more sunli—