“Heaven!” He pointed at the ceiling first with his hands, meaning I had to drink. I let him have it. There was no way I was taking my hand off my cock. I didn’t want Jonah realizing how hard I was getting, the grandmas and cat shit doing nothing to stop the intensifying warm throb under my palm.

I drank with my free hand and grabbed another card. That was when I noticed I wasn’t the only one dealing with a sudden pole problem. Jonah was rock hard, his dick jutting up and out, and he was doing nothing to hide it.

He must have realized I was looking at him. “Sorry…”

And then I realized I was gawking at him.


I wiped at my open mouth, shutting it. “Are you kidding? Don’t apologize for that. Shit, if I had a dick like that, I’d have it out and hard as often as I could.”

Jonah laughed at that, in a bashful kind of way that fanned the furnace full of need in my gut.

“Besides,” I said, “you aren’t the only one who’s hard.” I moved my hand, my cock springing up. I was already leaking at the tip.

“Oh.” Jonah’s gaze was glued to my cock. “Oh… wow.” His eyes were wide, his lips parted. And in that moment, Jonah… giggled? A sound that surprised me, and judging by the expression on his face, it surprised him, too. “Shit. That was… exactly something a Gerber baby model would do. God damn it.” Jonah’s face was serious for a brief moment before he started laughing, making me do the same. “Sorry, it’s the first time I see… you know… a hard…—”


“Exactly…” Jonah’s eyes were back down on my dick. The curiosity in his expression was driving me wild. I wanted to stand up, walk over there, and give him a taste of exactly what he wanted.

But a loud voice was booming past the primal lust: Jonah Brightly is straight and a brand-new coworker. Chill the fuck out.

Although that erection of his is pointing in the complete opposite direction as “straight”…

“Do you like what you see?” So much for chilling the fuck out. I grabbed my balls and kept my eyes on Jonah’s, his gaze still down on my leaking dick.

“I… um… yes. Yes, I do.”

13 Jonah Brightly

This was insane. I had lost my mind. The bullet must have damaged way more than the doctors initially thought. That was the only rational explanation for the way I was currently behaving.

Well, that or the alcohol swirling around in my gut was having its way with me.

Whatever the reason… I didn’t really care. I was having a good time, and I was feeling things that I had long forgotten about. Nerves that made me giggle like some kind of schoolboy, and a light-headedness that made the world feel as if I was a massive balloon and was simply bouncing across the elastic surface.

And a lust that… holy fuck, it scorched me. It was a lust that spread out from the base of my spine to my fingertips. Lust that made me see stars and the planets and entirely new dimensions.

And cock. I was seeing a whole lot of cock.

“Do you want to help?” Fox asked the question, knowing damn well what my answer was going to be.

“Yes.” I started to move toward him, crawling. “Please.”

It was the alcohol. That was all it was. I kept telling myself that as I moved closer to Fox, eyes pinned to his naked form. He looked like nothing I’d ever seen before. Sure, I’d jacked off to gay porn before, and all those men were hot, with their massive dongs and their ten-pack abs. But Fox… he was… holy fuck was Fox something else.

He was muscular, yes, but not in an intimidating kind of way. His army background was clear in those broad, strong shoulders. They framed a pumped chest with a covering of dark hair that led down over his chiseled stomach, hair that concentrated into a tantalizing happy trail, one that my eyes couldn’t help but follow.

My stomach lurched. In the way that happened when the butterflies inside of it exploded to life.

The dark trail of hair led to a trimmed patch of hair that crowned the most magnificent fucking cock I’d ever seen.

Yeah. It’s the alcohol. Has to be…

But that’s also a pretty magnificent cock.

“Huh?” Fox said.

The butterflies all collapsed dead—heart attacks. I had spoken out loud. “You think this is magnificent?” He looked at me, a devilish, playful smile on his face. He reached down and grabbed a handful, his fist unable to contain the entire thing.

“I… uh… yeah, I was just…” Going on the fritz again.

Fox reached out, put a hand on my face. We were so close. The connection was all I needed.

I pushed forward, body moving seemingly on its own accord. Moments later, my biggest curiosity, my biggest question since I had met this man was answered: how good of a kisser was Fox?