“It is a little stuffy, huh?” I left the shirt on the floor and went over to the window, clicking open the latch and sliding it open. Instantly, a cool ocean breeze broke through, along with the not-so-distant sounds of a city still awake.

“And where’s the Fox nickname from?”

It seemed as if Jonah was on a roll with the personal questions. Part of me bristled. I quickly calmed that part down. The speed at which I was beginning to trust Jonah was surprising, but it was also extremely refreshing.

Besides, I wasn’t going too deep anyway.

“When I was deployed, there was a little fox, had to be barely weened off his mom, and it attached to me like a shadow for a couple of weeks. I started leaving my leftovers for the little guy and then I’d find he was leaving me dead rats by my tent every night.”

Jonah and I both laughed at the sign of mutual affection that crossed species lines: a gift of food.

“At first the other guys started calling the fox ‘Gabe’ as a joke and then realized I should be called Fox, so that the little guy wouldn’t get confused. Obviously.”

“Very considerate of them,” Jonah said, chuckling. His blue eyes seemed to scan me, almost as if he were studying me, painting me into his memory.

Nah… why would he be doing that?

“Well, it suits you. Fox. I like that name. Plus, the reason behind it makes me want to donate to the ASCPA.”

I laughed some more, finding it to be a common thing when Jonah was around.

We chatted some more about the friendly fox named Gabe before we got back to playing our game, pulling cards and being careful not to be the one who broke the circle. I caught Jonah glancing at my chest a handful of times, and each of those instances made my cock twitch. Time was flying by, the drinks were disappearing, and my cheeks were hurting from all the smiling and laughing I was doing.

“Oh, looks like I get to make another rule,” Jonah said, holding up the card he had pulled. There was a spark of something in his bright blue eyes, which were getting a little clouded from the alcohol. He went to speak but snapped his mouth shut before any actual words came out.

“Nope, forget it, um…”

“What were you about to say? What was the rule?”

“It was dumb. I have to think of a new one.”

“I doubt it was dumb. What was it, Jonah? Come on, I made us bark like dogs before every drink. Your idea can’t be stupider than that.”

His face cracked into a smile. “No, it’s not as dumb as that.”

“Then?” I was curious. What was Jonah thinking that made him blush like a ripe little cherry.

“Fine, fine!” Jonah clapped his hands. “The rule is that whenever you drink… you’ve got to take off an article of clothing.” He looked at me before shaking his head. “See, crazy. Dumb idea. Instead, maybe we can—”

“No, the stripping sounds fine. Let’s do it.”

It definitely sounds fine to me… but Jonah’s straight, right?


“What? No, we work toge—we can’t. I don’t think…” Jonah was fumbling for words, his cheeks even redder now.

It made an already growing flame inside me light up brighter.

“Please, I was overseas with a bunch of sweaty guys who made competitions out of pissing on random things and swinging their dicks like Ferris wheels whenever they got bored. I’ve seen tons of penis. One more won’t hurt.”

He was laughing, but his face was still flushed red. Jonah arched a brow and chewed his lip, as if he couldn’t really believe what was happening. I couldn’t either. The warm river of rum and beer flowing through my veins blurred all logical thoughts and made this seem almost dream-like.

“All right, fine, that’s the new rule, then. Draw a card, Fox.”

The way he said my name made the base of my spine spark. “A six.” I showed him the card.

“Dicks,” Jonah said, the next part of the rhyme.

“Both of us drink.”

“And both of us take off a piece of clothing,” Jonah said, already working his shirt over his head.

“That’s not fair, I already started at a disadvantage.” I looked down at my bare chest, mainly to avoid uncontrollably ogling the shirtless Jonah now sitting in front of me.

“You can skip this round.” His voice brought my eyes back up. Jonah was sitting cross-legged on the floor, his chest on full display. I snuck a quick peek. My mouth instantly started to water. Jonah was a snack.

Nah, fuck that, he was a full-course meal and then some.

His chest was strong, and his nipples were the perfect size to suck on. I wanted to lay him back and kiss a trail up his flat stomach.

“Your turn.” Jonah nodded at the thin ring of cards, not that many were left, but somehow, miraculously, neither of us had broken the circle.