This had the effect of stretching his pants against his ass. My eyes dropped to the target like an arrow finding a bull’s-eye.

“Need help?” I asked, just to give me something to do besides stare at this man’s ass. Obviously, he needed zero help, the flamingo back on its thin metal pole in a matter of seconds. I pried my eyes off the curve of his ass before he looked up and caught me.

“I’m good,” he said, getting back to his feet.

What the hell is going on with me?

It wasn’t the alcohol; I wasn’t really feeling much of that anymore. So what else was making me feel like I was intoxicated on some crazy strong jungle juice? I should have been mopey and upset, having just broken things off with my long-term girlfriend, but… for some reason… I was… I was happy? I was happy to be single, but also happy to be spending time with Fox.

It’s exactly what he said. I had felt like a brand-new world was opening up to me. Like I had gotten a second chance at finding my one true match, instead of forcing myself into a fit that was clearly not for me. Wendy and I had been in denial for far too long, and tonight had been the last straw.

So instead of anger and sadness, I was feeling a bright hope light up inside me.

Another thing I was feeling? The tightness of my briefs as I began to swell, Fox’s ass having a little too big of an impact on me.

Whatever, we’re just two good friends. That’s all. He’s attractive, sure, but that doesn’t mean…

Fox unlocked his front door and pushed it open, stepping aside so I could go in first. I thanked him and walked in, the lights coming in soon after, Fox having followed me in and flicked them on.

We stood inside a quaint living room, with soft white walls and a couple of hanging prints that showed beautiful photos of colorful geodes in sparkling blues, bright purples, and crystal pinks. There were three tall and thriving plants sitting in big white ceramic pots, made taller by the polished wood stands they were held in. There was a large flat-screen hanging up on the wall, across from a charcoal-gray couch, which I will fully admit looked comfortable as fuck.

“All right, all right,” I said, gravitating toward the couch.

“Try it out. You’ll see I wasn’t full of it.”

I smiled as I plopped down on the couch. Except it was closer to a cloud than a couch. “Holy shit.” I laughed as I kicked my shoes off and lay down, fitting comfortably with my feet up. “This is better than my bed!”

Fox gave a deep laugh and walked over. “This part comes out. Here, get up.” He lifted the cushion I was sitting on and expanded the couch to turn it into an equally comfortable-looking bed.

“I’ve got a guest room, but it’s a disaster zone. If I knew I’d be taking in a stray tonight, I would have gotten it ready.”

“Not a problem,” I said, finding myself having to look away from those big hazel eyes before I got permanently lost in them.

Want to hear something funny?

I could barely remember if Wendy’s eyes were brown or hazel.

What the absolute fuck? Something’s wrong with me…

I started to feel guilty. My body felt stiff, and my lids were like anchors, falling heavy on my eyes. “Where’s your bathroom?”

“Right over there,” Fox said, pointing down a hallway toward an open door, a bright blue room peeking through the crack.

“Thanks.” I went to the bathroom and closed the door behind me, resting my back against the wood and taking a deep breath. I looked up, as if an answer to all my questions would be written on the ceiling.

At the sink, I let the water run for a minute, leaving my hands under the warm water and avoiding my reflection in the mirror. Suddenly, all my insecurities were grabbing me by the throat and thrashing me around like an old chew toy inside the jaws of a Rottweiler. I grew up as a pretty confident kid, but after a bullet almost rearranged my skull and subsequently forced me to rearrange my life, well, my confidence also took a hit. Especially early on, when I’d drop everything I grabbed, when sentences were hard to form. My confidence had taken a nosedive, and it was only recently that I’d been able to start picking it back up again.

Now, though, it was back in a free-fall.

Was this a mistake? Should I have gotten a hotel? What did he see in me? What did I care what he saw in me?

Why was a huge part of me shouting that a hotel would have been a terrible idea?

Why was a huge part of me shouting for Fox?