“What? Seriously? Oh, man, we’ve gotta go to one sometime. A lot of the big shows come to Miami. I think Aladdin is playing at the Arsht Center for the next few months. I’ll see if I can get us tickets.”

“That’d be really nice,” I said, acutely aware of how date-like going to the theatre was. But at the same time, I could see how two platonic friends could go watch a play and enjoy their day without ever getting each other’s dicks in their mouths.

Although… I mean, if his “ridiculous dick” found its way between my lips, I don’t think I’d complain either…

The waiter came around and brought our main courses, steering my thoughts away from sucking Jonah off to sucking the juicy crab meat out of the almost-intimidating crab legs now sitting in front of me. He practically went face first into his steak, his facial expressions saying it was possibly the best steak he’d ever had. He let me try a piece, and I could confirm wholeheartedly it was a really good fucking steak.

I figured now would be a good time to talk about the case. This was a pseudo-business meeting after all. “So, you got any thoughts on the Dragon situation so far?”

Jonah swallowed a mouthful of steak. “I’ve got a lot of thoughts on it. All of them are crap, though. Still need some more time to wrap my head around the entire situation.”

“It’s a lot to take in. I almost feel like your interview happened months ago. I forget it was only this morning.”

“Crazy. Completely crazy.” Jonah’s eyes were bright, reflecting some of the candlelight that flickered on the table between us. It wasn’t a dimly lit spot by any means, but the orange flame still stood bright against those light blue orbs, dancing in my reflection.

He blinked, then looked away. A spell had been cast, not broken.

“We’ll stop it, though.” He kept his eyes on his steak, while I began to picture an entirely different kind of meat. “This Dragon bullshit. Once we get camera footage, we should be another step ahead. And that meeting with the dealer should be another step in the right direction. I’ll start canvassing the area and seeing if there have been any suspicious activities spotted. They have to be hiding a lab somewhere around here.”

“Good idea,” I said. “When we have a name and solid proof, we can pass it on to the DEA for the full takedown. Just have to nail the motherfucker first.”

“Right, gotta nail him.” He smirked, took a drink. “I’m thinking of interviewing doctors and nurses first. Figure out what they’ve seen come through the hospital.”

Jonah was making me more and more sure of my decision to hire him on the spot. I nodded. “And I’ll work the contacts I’ve been able to build. There’s a hacker I want to talk to, a complete wizard on the keyboard. I’m sure I’ll be able to get something valuable in there. Plus there’s the wordsmith of a drug dealer, Mr. Dank, that we’ve still got to meet with. I think that’ll be a good way in.”

“We’ve got this,” Jonah said, that sexy smirk still on his face.

“Yeah, I think we do.”

I was feeling good. Overall, the entire day had gone really fucking well. Not only was Stonewall full up on detectives, but I had hired someone who seemed like a genuinely good addition to the team. Someone I felt I’d never grow tired of seeing, which was good because I’d be seeing Jonah quite a lot now. Our jobs weren’t exactly nine-to-five desk jobs where we’d be sitting next to each other all day, and when we finished up on this Dragon case and started working separate cases, then our paths would cross a little less… but I still had a feeling I’d be seeing a lot of him.

By the time dessert came around, our bellies were close to being full and our night felt nowhere near ending. We were talking about our mutual love-hate relationship with singing competitions. I loved music and loved watching the shows, but hated how none ever seemed to really break out, even the winners. Jonah, on the other hand, revealed he’s actually a decent singer.

“I usually watch them because I like to imagine myself up on that stage. Rocking out and shit.” He drank from his—I think it was his fourth?—mojito.

“So you’re a singer, you take care of animals, you work on cars, and your job is to help people. Not to mention you’re a handsome motherfucker. Does your girlfriend carry you around in a glass box and show you off to anyone she can?”

Jonah laughed at that and looked out to the street, his eyes seeming to have a hard time finding a spot to land. “Nah, she kind of lives in her own world. I don’t think she even knows what job I went to go interview for.”