I gave him what he asked for. I grabbed his hips and pulled him back, spearing him on my cock. Both of us let out wild cries of pleasure as we continued to make love, continued to writhe, continued to fuck.

“Oh, Fox, I’m gonna come, Fox, keep going.” I did what he told me. I kept rocking into him, my own balls feeling tight against me.

“Yes, Fox, please.”

That was all I needed to fall off my edge.

My fingers dug into Jonah’s skin as my balls unloaded into the condom, wave after wave of orgasmic bliss threatening to drown me.

And then I felt Jonah’s orgasm, his ass clutching onto my cock, twitching and squeezing with every shot of come he wet the bed with.

It was so fucking hot I started to come again, my body shaking with the weaker after-shock orgasm.

“Holy fuck,” I said, pulling out and collapsing on the bed. “You just made me come twice. Two times, back-to-back. That’s a fucking superpower.”

Jonah collapsed next to me, breathless, glowing. “Not bad for my first time, then, huh?”

“Not at all.” I kissed him, feeling overcome with emotion. A gentle breeze drifted over us, caressing our naked, sweaty bodies.

“Did you like it?” I asked.

“Judging by how soaked the sheets are,” Jonah said, motioning toward the dark stains spreading next to him, “I’d say yeah. I liked it a hell of a lot.”

“Good.” Another kiss. “Because I fucking loved it.”

I held him in my arms. Slowly, our breathing began to synch. Outside, the campfire flickered down to its last source of fuel, the fire’s glow not even reaching the water anymore.

Inside, my fire was burning brighter and stronger than ever, showing zero signs of dying out. And it was all because of Jonah. My cheeks hurt because of how much I’d been smiling lately, because of how happy Jonah made me.

“Come,” I said, getting up from the bed even though my muscles were crying out to do the exact opposite. “Let’s sit outside by the water.”

Jonah got up, beaming. We washed up a little in the bathroom, splashing sink water at each other like kids playing in a river. Outside, we laid out a towel at the point where the water lapped up at the sand, leaving behind a trail of white foam across the dark beach. Our section of the beach was parted from the others by a wall of rocks, giving us unprecedented privacy for a beach.

We sat outside, naked, holding each other under the stars, reaching the tips of our toes into the warm water.

Perfect. It all felt so perfect.

“What a ways we’ve come, huh?”

Jonah tilted his head toward me. His fingers lazily scrawled something across my chest. “For real. When we met, I was still off the market and in the closet. What a combo.”

“And still, you managed to crack me open. I felt so comfortable around you from the second we met. I knew we’d work great together. I knew our friendship would be as solid as steel. But I’m telling you right now, Jonah: I don’t think I ever could have stayed ‘just friends’ with you. I would have lost my mind. I would have asked Zane to transfer me to the New York offices or something. There’s no way I would have been able to keep staring into these beautiful blue eyes of yours and not want to call you mine, over and over again.”

The moon was full, her light dancing across the sea, making Jonah’s eyes seem more jewel-like than ever.

He kissed me, his sweet lips planting against mine.

A feeling rushed up from my heart, out through my veins. A glittery kind of emotion, one I’d never felt this strongly before, this viscerally. It was startling and familiar and magical. I knew exactly what it was before I could even put a name to it.

And then, as our lips parted and a delicate silence hung in the air, I spoke.

The words fell out of me before I could even think about them:

“I love you.”

Waves crashing. Fire crackling. Wind rustling.

All the sounds that filled the surprised air.

My heart beat became loud enough to join the chorus.

What did I just do—

“I love you, too, Fox.” Jonah smiled, and my heart dropped, as if we’d been picked up and taken straight to cloud nine. The magic bloomed, reaching from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. It was a natural high that had me chuckling like a schoolkid hearing a naughty joke for the first time. Jonah, too, joined me, the giddiness of the moment overtaking us.

I moved on our towel so that I was facing him, our knees touching. I grabbed his hands in mine. “It’s soon. It’s fast, but… I can’t explain it, I just know it to be the truth, and I’m not going to hold it in any longer. Life’s way too short for that kind of bullshit.”