Harry looked past her to see his man had one hand trying to rub the toxic spray off his face and the other on his balls.

“I don’t think he’s going to be a problem.”

From the desk, Theodore called out, “You need to leave or I’m going to call the cops.”

“Shut up, Theo, before I come over there and kick your ass,” Margot ordered.

“Listen to the lady, Theo,” Harry added.

Theo decided to listen.

“You had something to say to me?”

“I’m guessing you know what I wanted to say. It would have been more effective the way I was originally going to say it.”

“Something to the effect of ‘don’t go around asking about Phoebe’?”

“Yeah, considering how this would look, I’d rather my name didn’t come up.”

“Even if it means she goes to prison for a crime she couldn’t have committed?”

“What makes you think she couldn’t have done it?”

“She was with you.”

“Not when the crime took place.”

“She didn’t meet you here?”

“She did, but I was gone by eight-thirty. I had to pick up my kid from basketball practice at nine. People saw me there. Normally, I spend a lot more time with a girl like Phoebe but not two nights ago. Can you lower the gun now? I think you’ve proved your point.”

Margot lowered her gun. “Why would Phoebe tell me different?”

Harry shrugged. “Because she killed her husband?”

“You know, you could have just told me that.”


“I only care about you in relation to my client.”

“Okay, since I can’t actually help, can we forget I was involved?”

“If you’re telling the truth, yeah. I’m not looking to trip anybody up.”

“Good, because now that I know you like to play rough, if we have to do this again, it might go differently. Now, I’m going to reach into my jacket pocket and pull out a business card, so don’t shoot me okay?”

“As long as it’s a card.”

Harry handed her the card and said, “If she has an alibi for the rest of the night, go ahead and call me. I may be a bastard, but I’m not going to let her go down on my account. My wife isn’t stupid, so this won’t be that big of news to her. But, as I said, if she doesn’t have another alibi, the last thing I need is cops trying to bring me into this.”

“Alright, I suppose that’s fair. You seem to think she did it, why?”

“She’s fucking crazy, that’s why.”

“You were still seeing her.”

“Yeah, crazy is good for a mistress. After this, though, I figured I was going to break it off. There’s fun crazy then there’s dangerous crazy.”