“Yeah, a couple of times.”

“With Tim Masterson?”

“Yeah, though sometimes with another guy. One time with both of them.”

“What did the other guy look like?”

“Kind of short and overweight, older.”

“Thinning blonde hair and an earring?”

“That’s the dude.”

“How long ago was it the three of them?”

“I don’t know. It’s not something I keep track of.”

“Less than a year? More?”

“I haven’t even worked here a year, so less for sure.”

“Okay, less than a month?”

“Maybe. Not more than two months, if that helps.”

“It doesn’t hurt.”

Margot decided she needed to talk to Derek Helms again. Either the visit here to the lighthouse was a social one or more likely he and Tim Masterson were still in business together in some capacity.

She was looking for a place to park near Helms’ shop when she saw a familiar black Cadillac Escalade parked out front.

Chapter 9

Instead of going inside, Margot watched the SUV. The short guy got out and leaned against the side, just like he had been last night when she exited the Hotel. This time, he smoked a cigarette while he waited.

Unlike Margot, Helms didn’t mace Bobby and stick a gun in Harry’s face. He walked out with Harry in front and Bobby behind. Margot watched him get in the back with Bobby while the short guy got behind the wheel and Harry sat in the front.

She ducked down as they drove past. She let them get a bit ahead and then followed, keeping herself two car lengths back. They drove around the block a few times and then parked back in front of Helms shop. Margot drove past and watched Helms go back inside. She went around the block and when she arrived back at the shop, Harry and his crew were gone.

Margot parked and went back to Helms’ shop. The door was unlocked, and she didn’t knock or ring the bell. Inside were boxes upon boxes of clothing and accessories. Helms was a wholesaler of some sort and this must have been his current stock. Margot plucked a purse out of a box. The label said Gucci, but Margot had her doubts.

“What are you doing here?” Helms asked as he stepped into the front room.

“You sell knockoffs here, Mr. Helms?”

“What makes you think you could tell the difference?”

“I can’t, that’s why I’m asking.”

“You know you already ruined my lunch; can you not ruin the rest of my day as well?”

“I feel like Harry Lee beat me to that.”

Helms looked like he was trying to think of a lie, so Margot told him, “I saw you get into his car and I saw you get out. I thought you dissolved your partnership with Tim Masterson to get away from Mr. Lee.”

“I did.”

“Yet, two months ago you, Rita, and Tim Masterson were having dinner together.”