He smiled. “Is this about the Masterson Hot Tub Massacre thing?”

“Why would you think that?”

“Seems to be a popular subject. A reporter was here asking about it.”

“I’m guessing the police have been by as well.”

“No, just the reporter.”


“Yeah, that’s the one. I might be on her show. Have you seen it?”

“I have.”

“You kind of look like that hitman chick she profiled, something in Spanish.”

“Huh, I guess I’ll have to watch that one,” Margot said as she gave him one of her cards.

While he read it, she said, “You never told me if you were here last Saturday.”

“Sorry, I was. It was early, not this early but early enough not many people were here and even less were ordering drinks. I saw the whole thing.”

“So, what happened?”

“They were talking. You know, just normal stuff, but then she got mad. I thought she might throw her drink at him and then I thought she might smash the glass over his face.”

“What did he say?”

“I have no idea. Whatever it was, he said it quietly. She was a bit louder.”

“What did she say?”

“I don’t remember the exact words, but something to the effect of she knew where the bodies were buried so he better watch his ass. I guess she wasn’t kidding because he got nice really fast. He started looking around too, like he was worried who was listening.”

“Who was listening? Other than you.”

“Everybody here. This isn’t that big of a place and she was loud. They walked out after that. Dude did leave a hundred on the table though, so it wasn’t a total loss.”

“Did you know who they were?”

“Not at the time, but once I heard about the hot tub massacre thing, I wasn’t surprised to see it was the victims.”

“Did you say, ‘victims’?”

“Yeah, it was that dude and his mistress who got stabbed by his wife.”

“You sure it wasn’t the wife?”

“Positive. In fact, I’d seen the guy here with his wife more than once.”

“Did you tell that to Cassandra?”

He thought about that for a second and then said, “I don’t know. Maybe not. I think I assumed it was the wife until I saw pictures of the actual wife and victim on the news. They seemed like a couple, so I assumed.”

Margot thought about it for a second. She knew Phoebe made some kind of public scene so if Cassandra went asking around, it was possible she could stumble on this incident and not realize the woman in question wasn’t Phoebe. Especially if the bartender was saying it was Tim’s wife yelling at him.

“How about the other woman? You ever see her in here before?”