“Manny is what some would call set in his ways.”

“Others would call him an asshole.”

“Yeah, but not to his face. You want to do this or not?”

Margot got and locked her car. Marv handed her the extra helmet he had strapped to his leather saddlebags.

“This thing is at least two sizes too big,” Margot told him.

“I’m not planning to wreck.”

“No one ever does.”

Marv smiled to acknowledge the truth in that and then said, “As far as Manny knows, you’re Mal’s woman and that’s why you want to know what’s up. You tell him you’re a private investigator working for me and he’ll toss us both out.”

“Alright, but don’t expect any declarations of undying love. I’m not that good of an actress.”

Marv nodded and motioned to the back of his bike. Margot sat down and held on. Marv drove on out to Manny’s trailer.

“I would think the leader of a big-time outlaw motorcycle gang would have a nicer place,” Margot said as they stood outside of Manny’s double-wide. His place wasn’t as out of the way as the clubhouse, but it was close.

“He can’t exactly declare the money he’s making and buying houses with cash attracts attention,” Marv told her.

A bald man wearing a Devil Racers vest with a chrome revolver stuck in his belt stepped out of the front door. He gave them both a hard look as he rested his right hand on the pistol.

“Hey, Clive,” Marv said to the man.

“That don’t look like your brother,” Clive said.

“This is Margot, Mal’s woman.”

‘I don’t think Manny had a sit-down scheduled with Mal’s woman.”

“She’s looking for him too. We thought maybe she and Manny could help each other.”

“Help each other do what?”

“Find Mal.”

“Wait here,” Clive said as he went into the house.

A few minutes later he came back out and asked, “Either of you carrying?”

“Not me,” Marv told him.

Margot took the S&W out of her purse and showed it to Clive before dropping it back in.

“Maybe you ought to let me hold that. Just to keep it safe.”

“Alright, if you let me hang onto that hand cannon pointing out your balls. Just to keep it safe.”

Clive looked at Marv who shrugged.

“If I was here to cause trouble, you’d know it already,” Margot told him.

“If you don’t want any trouble, why the pistol? You don’t trust us?”

“No, I don’t.”