“You know, I wanted to get started today.”

“Then you should have come in yesterday.”

“Okay, fair enough.”

“Payment is upfront.”

“Even for family?”

“Especially for family. For you, it’s two hundred a day plus expenses.”

“Will two day’s work to get started?”

“Do you think that’s enough time?”

“If it’s not, we can talk,” Marv said as he pulled a roll of bills out of his front pocket.

“I prefer PayPal or Venmo.”

Marv counted out four hundred dollars. The roll of cash didn’t seem to miss it. He held it out to Margot and said, “I prefer cash. Are you taking it or not?”

Margot took it.

Chapter 2

“You know, the last time I was here eating fish tacos with someone, it was Deputy Brantley.”

“Really?” Shaw replied, “we could have gone anywhere else.”

Margot shrugged. “I like this place. I like the taco truck that parks outside on Tuesday nights. I’m not going to let Brantley ruin it for me.”

Shaw nodded, “I like your attitude.”

“Speaking of Brantley, did you ever hear if they found a body?”

“Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing.”

“Me? You’re the beloved retired cop with all the connections.”

“I’m not dating the young hotshot homicide detective.”

“As far as Radcliff knows, they haven’t found him. He’s been busy though. That double homicide on the beach fell on him and Ames.”

“The tourists?”


“That’s a tough one.”

“Yep, it has Radcliff rethinking his previous favorable view of high profile cases.”

“You still call him Radcliff?”

“When I met him, he was Radcliff.”

“He call you Harris?”

“Nope, I get to be Margot.”