“You think Manny was just messing with you, or do you think this guy was really who Mal was supposed to meet?”

“If I were to bet on it? I’d say he’s blowing smoke. Mal might have asked about somebody called the cowboy though. The guy Manny was talking about certainly dressed the part so it could have been him, but my gut feeling is ‘the cowboy’ is more management and Deputy Brantley was more hired help.”


“I didn’t mention he was in the Sheriff’s department?”

“Nope. Why do you think Mal wanted to talk to ‘the cowboy’?”

“It’s a long story.”

“Give me the condensed version.”

“Mal and I got on the wrong side of the cartel. The cowboy was one of theirs. Mal made a deal with him, but it didn’t work out. The word is that the cartel decided to forget the whole thing when they had a change in leadership. This guy, ‘the cowboy’—according to Mal anyway—wasn’t ready to let it go.”

Marv nodded. Margot thought he might have some more follow up questions, but he didn’t say a word, so she asked one instead.

“I guess that brings up the question, are the Devil’s Racers working for the cartel?”

“I’d rather not say. What Manny said about talking out of school has some merit.”

Margot smiled, “That’s not a no.”

“I guess it’s not.”

“I’d say that makes it likely the cowboy was who Mal was trying to get a sit-down with. I can’t think of another reason.”

“That does make some sense. Doesn’t explain why he disappeared and why there are three dead men on ice back at the clubhouse.”

“No, it doesn’t. Could be Manny double-crossed him. Maybe the cowboy wasn’t interested in talking it out.”

“So, Manny sent three of our own to take out your brother?”

“Who else would he send?”

“Seems to me he could just rat Mal out and let them do the dirty work.”

Margot shrugged. “Maybe that was about something else entirely.”


“I don’t know, you’re an outlaw group doing outlaw stuff. Shit happens.”

“Could be. The clubhouse is supposed to be off-limits to that stuff.”

“Is it? You have a ‘workshop’ with a freezer. Sounds like a place to get rid of a body.”

“Yeah, but as far as I know, we never used it. I’m not going to say no illegal business goes down at the clubhouse, but there are limits and there are rules.”

“My guess is whoever did the killing didn’t care much about the rules.”

“Yeah, I’d say they didn’t. Killing members is strictly forbidden, as long as they’re following the rules.”

“If you were following the rules then maybe you don’t have as much to worry about.”

“Yeah, well, Manny makes the rules and I already pissed him off bringing you around. I’m a dead man if I stick around.”

“Sorry to hear that.”