“Yeah, but it doesn’t narrow it down much, does it?”

“No, the desert sun would have made quick work of them.”

Marv downed the shot. He poured himself another and then held the bottle out towards Margot.

She shook her head and told him, “I’m good.”

“You know what this is going to mean? Mal gone and those boys dead?”

“It means Mal’s gone and those boys are dead.”

“No, it’s going to mean Mal killed them. Even if that’s not what happened, that’s the way they’re going to see it. I’m going to have to choose between my brother and the club.”

“Doesn’t seem like much of a choice to me.”

Marv downed his third shot of whiskey before he said, “It shouldn’t be but it is.”

Margot couldn’t really argue with him there. It wasn’t like he and Mal were close.

“Honestly, it won’t matter. They’re going to see the bodies and blame me. I was the one who brought him and put him up here. It won’t matter how loudly I proclaim my loyalty to the club, they’re going to assume—when shit gets real—that I’m going to have my brother’s back.”

“It’s not an unreasonable assumption.”

“I know. Despite everything that happened between us, when he came around asking for my help, there were no questions asked. I guess I should have asked some questions.”


of questions, what did Mal want with Manny?”

“I already told you, I didn’t know. What does it matter now anyway?”

“Mal had a lot of flaws but assuming he killed those guys in the freezers, he wouldn’t do it for no reason. Mal could be violent, but he was never violent for fun.”

“You think whatever he wanted with Manny had something to do with this?”

“It was why he was here.”

“You think I’m lying when I say I don’t know?”

“I think it’s possible.”

“I’m not.”

“Would Manny know? I assume he would want some information before seeing a guy like Mal.”

“He might. Manny wouldn’t be where he was if he wasn’t cautious.”

“Maybe we should ask him.”

“What about all this?”

“Did you tell anyone we were coming?”

“No. They knew I went back to look for Mal though.”

“Any reason for them to think you would have checked the freezer?”
