“Of course.”

Margot stood up and saw herself out. She was at the door when she thought about what Shaw had said about them all being family. She turned around and went back to Ms. Collins’s desk.

“Can I do something else for you, Ms. Harris?”

“Did Stick say anything to you about what he found in the desert?”

“No, he didn’t talk about his work very often and this was no exception.”

Margot nodded. “He sent a number to my email.”

“A number?”

Margot got out her phone and instead of reading off the numbers, let Ms. Collins look at it herself.

“Does that mean anything to you?”

“It could be a phone number. The dots are in weird places for a phone number though and I don’t know what the X would mean. If it is a phone number, it’s not one I recognize. Did you show this to Shaw?”

“Yeah, it didn’t mean anything to him either.”

“Sorry, I wish I could help.”

“That’s okay, I just thought I’d ask.”

Chapter 6

Deputy Brantley was already there sitting at the table against the back wall Margot used to do business. He was out of uniform, but he still had the hat. He had a light beer in front of him and two plates of fish tacos from the truck outside. Margot had showed up early, planning to beat him there. In these situations, she liked to be the one with her back against the wall. Apparently, he felt the same way.

She gave Stan behind the bar a nod and saw he was already pouring her a Maker’s Mark over ice. She went over and picked it up, even though he would have brought it out to her.

“Has the cowboy been here long?” she asked as he handed her the drink.

“Nah, five minutes tops. If I’d known you were coming in, I’d have made him get another table.”

“Don’t worry about it. He come in alone?”

“Yeah. Is he trouble?”

“Probably not.”

“Where’s your scary friend?” Stan said, referring to Mal.

Margot wondered the same thing. They weren’t seeing eye to eye lately, but she had no doubts that if she called and asked him, he would be there watching her back. She knew if he called her, she would be doing the same.

She didn’t want to get into her and Mal’s situation so just said, “He’s been busy. It should be fine.”

Stan nodded and Margot joined Brantley.

He pointed at the untouched plate of tacos. “I got you one. If this isn’t your thing, I’ll eat them. They’re pretty good.”

“I know. Sorry, but you’re going to have to make do with one plate.”

“Only if the truck leaves before we’re done here.”

“Thanks, by the way,” Margot said between bites.

“If I’d known what you drink, I’d have got you one of those too.”