“What if he really is sick?”

“Then I hope it’s painful.”

“However you feel, I feel like I need to go.”

“Then go. I won’t try to stop you.”

“That’s not what I meant. Prison is a scary place and while I don’t have the same level of hate for the man you do, I’m not exactly comfortable laying eyes on him. I haven’t seen him since the trial. Have you?”


“I don’t think I can go alone.”

Margot wasn’t sure what to say.

“This isn’t something I can ask just anybody to do.”

“Yeah, but you shouldn’t ask me.”

“You know you say you want to look out for me, but when I need your help, you tell me not to ask.”

“Let me think about it,” Margot told her, “I can’t do it tomorrow and probably the next day anyway. I’m working.”

“Okay, as long as you really think about it. You want to come inside? It’s weird talking to you like this.”

“I do, but I’ve got somewhere to be.”

“A date with the honest cop?”

“As a matter of fact, yes.”

“So, you really were coming by just to say hi.”

“Yeah, but we’ll talk later. I’ll think about seeing dad with you.”

“Thanks, I’d appreciate that. And…could you think about giving Randy another chance?”

Margot was not going to think about that, but it was nice talking to her sister without arguing, so she said, “I’ll think about it, but don’t hold your breath on that one.”

Instead of replying to that, Melanie looked up over the top of the car and waved at someone.

Margot looked over and saw Gale standing by the front door of the house on her driver’s license. She was waving back at Melanie.

“Who’s that?” Margot asked.

“That’s Gale. You’d like her, she’s a pretty cool neighbor.”

“You hang out a lot?”

Melanie shrugged. “Yeah, I guess. Like I said, she’s a cool neighbor. I’m not a big fan of her husband, but I like Gale a lot.”

“Why don’t you like the husband?” Margot asked. She almost slipped and said Dan.

“He’s not too bad, I guess. I’d say he has a bit of a wandering eye. He’s subtle enough about it that I could be misreading things, but I’m pretty sure he’s put it out there that if I wanted to, we could fool around.”

“Did you say anything to Gale?”

“No, I could be wrong and I wasn’t going to do anything, so why create drama?”