“Actually, it was your sister that brought you to me,” Lori said finally.

“My sister recommended me?”

“You sound surprised.”

“We’re not on the best terms.”

“I guess, to be fair, she didn’t exactly recommend you. I certainly thought of what she said as an endorsement, even though she didn’t mean it that way. She told me what you did to Randy. She may have thought it was awful, but I thought it was great.”

“What exactly did she tell you?”

“She said you kicked his ass. Apparently you kicked his ass good enough he decided to break up with her. She also said you got him thrown in jail on some bogus charge about his missing mother.”

“I can’t get anyone thrown in jail.”

“But the part about kicking his ass though?”

“We had a discussion. I may have used some enhanced communication.”

“I like that, ‘enhanced communication.’ Sounds military. Did you serve?”

“No, I was a cop.”

“Melanie told me you were police back in the day. You look too young to be retired.”

“Melanie didn’t tell you why I left?”

“No. Actually, unless she’s bitching about how you screwed up things with Randy, she doesn’t say much about you at all.”

“To be fair, I don’t talk much about her either. I take it you and Melanie are friends?”

“I suppose we are, enough to have conversations anyway. I live across the street.”

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but can you prove that?”

Gale reached into her purse. “Will a driver's license do?”

Margot answered by taking the license Gale handed to her. It had the right name and the right picture and the address listed did put her on Melanie’s street. If it was a fake, it was a very good one.

Margot handed the license back. “Sorry, I’ve had some clients misrepresent themselves lately.”

“Is that why the scary guy at the bar is watching us?”

“One of the reasons. What is it about my dealings with Randy made you think I’m someone you need to hire?”

“Mostly the part where you beat the crap out of him.”

“If you need someone beat up, that’s not what I do.”

Gale laughed. “I figured as much. Honestly, if I just wanted someone beat up, I think I’d hire your friend at the bar. He looks more the type.”

Margot didn’t reply. Gale wasn’t wrong.

Gale reached in her purse. “I want to show you something.”

Both Margot and Mal tensed as Gale reached into her purse even though it was the second time and her driver’s license looked legitimate. Margot already had her hand on the mace sitting in her lap. When Gale retrieved her phone, they both relaxed.

Gale messed with the screen for a few seconds and then turned it so Margot could see a picture of a pretty young brunette sporting a black eye and a split lip.