Margot noted the emphasis on ‘black eye’ and wondered if that meant he did his damage elsewhere, as Gale had told her. Before she could follow up, Chuck piped in.

“I can confirm that. If she had been walking around looking like she just went twelve round for the welterweight title, I would have noticed. I’ve been around here a lot. I’ve known Dave and his brother Dan a long time and I can tell you, Dave ain’t like that.”

Margot looked both men over, her natural default in these kinds of cases was to believe the women, but she hadn’t heard it from Lori and so far Dave seemed sincere. She felt like there was more she should be getting out of Dave. She could feel her lack of experience in kidnapping cases. Since it was federal crime, she’d never been close to a kidnapping in her time as a cop.

What she did know was time was running out on Lori if it hadn’t already. She couldn’t afford to mess around. With this in mind, she decided she needed to go to the source.

Margot got up. “I’m going to talk to my client.”

“We’re going with you,” Dave said.

“No, you’re not.”

“We’re talking about my wife.”

“Which is why I can’t have you attacking someone who might be a victim as well or wasting time we don’t have.”

“We need to know who gave you that picture,” Chuck told her.

“Not yet you don’t. Try to get the kidnappers to engage, stall for time. Maybe tell them you can get the money.”

“What good would that do? If I can’t get the money, it will only piss them off.”

“It will give me a chance to figure this out.”

“She has a point, Dave,” Chuck interjected.

“Okay, but what should I say?”

“You’re a used car salesman,” Margot answered, “Sell them something.”

Chapter 10

“You lied to me Gale,” Margot said as Gale took the seat across from her at Layla’s West. She’d feel better about meeting Gale if Mal was around to back her up, but she figured that wasn’t going to happen for a while.

“What about?” Gale asked. Either she was a decent actress or she was genuinely surprised by the accusation.

Margot took a sip of her Maker’s Mark on the rocks. She was still working but figured after being involved in two armed standoffs, one with the person she previously considered among her best friends, she’d earned it.

“That’s the funny part, Gale. I’m not sure.”

“Then how do you know I lied?”

“Where’d you get the picture of Lori?”

“I told you. She sent it to me.”

“Did she include a message?” Margot asked.

“I kind of thought it spoke for itself.”

“I didn’t ask what you thought,” Margot replied, thinking she’d felt the same way when she saw the picture yesterday. She scolded herself for letting her emotions on the subject get in the way of asking basic questions.

“Your sister’s right. You’re not very nice.”

“You didn’t come to me because I was nice. In fact, you came to me because I wasn’t. Did you send me out there hoping I’d do something to Dave?”

“It crossed my mind.”