“No, but I think it's the right thing to do,” Margot replied.

“You trust him to do what he says?”

“Of all the people I’ve had to deal with since I got into this mess, he might have been the most honest. So, yeah, to a certain extent, I guess I do. Don’t think of it as letting him go. Think of it as releasing him into my custody. I promise I’ll do everything I can to make sure he comes back to testify.”

“I don’t know…”

“You asked if I trust Stone. I have to ask, do you trust me?”

“I do and I do believe you say you’ll do everything you can to bring him back, but I can’t let him go. I also recognize that you need him to straighten things out for you. With that in mind, I can’t release him to you, or anyone really.”

Margot wasn’t sure what to say.

“So, I guess I’m going with you,” Radcliff told her.


“Yeah, we haven’t gone on a road trip together yet.”

“Yeah, I guess we haven’t. Mal’s going to love this.”

“He’s coming along too?” Stone asked.

“He’s watching my back.”

“Do we still need him?” Radcliff asked, “I can do that.”

Margot thought about for a second. “Yeah, I’m sure you can, but you’re also watching Stone.”

“I’d enjoy watching your back as well,” Stone told her.

“Shut up,” Radcliff growled. “You’re lucky you’re not on t

he way to jail.”

Stone decided that was true and shut up.

“I’m getting in the shower, can you two behave?”

“Yeah,” Radcliff replied.

Stone nodded.

When Margot got out of the shower, Stone was still on the floor.

“You going to let him get up?”

“Yeah, get up,” Radcliff told him as he picked up Stone’s gun from the couch and put it in the pocket of his sports coat.

“I can carry that,” Stone said to him.

“No, you can’t.”

Mal’s Charger was parked next to Margot’s Prius in a spot reserved for her neighbor.

Mal probably would have stayed in the car and then followed her but seeing Radcliff and Stone emerge from her apartment made him get out.

“What the hell is this?” he asked.