“There’s always a first time.”

Stone considered that for a second and then said, “You know, maybe before you haul me in, you should talk to your girlfriend. I’m trying to save her life.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“Yeah, well, here’s the thing. If you take me in not only am I dead, but so is she.”

Radcliff looked at Margot.

“He’s mostly trying to save his own ass,” Margot said, “but it’s not entirely untrue.”

“You know this is kind of weird,” he said to her.

“Weird like you running over here and kicking in my door because I didn’t return your call?”

“If you weren’t on a cartel hit list, I might have been a little more patient.”

“Don’t be so hard on him, Margot,” Stone said. “He wasn’t entirely wrong. I was waiting for you and I’m something of an unsavory character. At least that’s what I’ve been told.”

“Shut up, Stone,” Margot said. She turned to Radcliff. “He thinks he can smooth things out so Mal and I aren’t on any hit lists anymore.”

“How is he going to do that?”

“There is going to be a shakeup with leadership down south and I’m in good with the new boss,” Stone explained.

“Okay, but you haven’t told me how you’re going to do it.”

When Stone didn’t answer right away Margot remarked, ‘He was coy about it with me too.”

“You really don’t want to know. All I can say is, whatever it is won’t be on this side of the border.”

“Is that supposed to make it okay?”

“Okay might be a strong word. I’d go with tolerable.”

“Not to me. I’m bringing you in.”

“Come on. You may be a youngster, but you know I won’t survive an hour in jail.”

“I’ll make sure everything that can be done is done to ensure your safety. Get on the floor face first and put your hands on your head.”

Stone looked back to see Margot had her pistol in her hand.

“Try something and I’ll put you down myself.”

Stone nodded and said to Radcliff, “When I get up, you're going to see a gun on the chair. Don’t freak out and start shooting.”

“Keep your hands where I can see them and it won’t be a problem.”

Stone did as he was told. Radcliff got out his handcuffs.

Radcliff snapped the bracelets on Stone’s wrists. Stone said to Margot, “Is this what you want?”

They both looked at her.

“No,” she replied, “But you’re not making this easy. If I was him, I’d be arresting you too.”

Stone sighed before asking, “What if I told you what I’m doing for them?”