“You want a few minutes to rest? And then you can try again?” Margot said as she slapped the baton in her hand. More than a few people were out of their houses watching now. No one looked like they were going to step in and help Randy.

Randy seemed to be considering trying his luck, but then he thought better of it and shook his head no as he said, “Just leave me alone.”

“Stop using Melanie as a punching bag and you’ll never see me again. I’d suggest just to be safe, you stay away from my sister.”

“She called me.”

Margot raised the baton, “Next time don’t answer.”

She left Randy laying on the sidewalk and walked back to her car. She kept looking back in case Randy got brave or worse decided to go get his mom’s gun. He didn’t do either. She dialed Mal as she drove away and put him on speaker.

“Anything going on with Katrina Stone?”

“Yeah, looks like Mr. Stone’s paranoia is on the money again.”

“Already? I was hoping to at least get a few more days’ pay out of him.”

“He doesn’t have to know when we found out.”

Margot sighed. “No, we play it straight.”

“Stone is a crook, he’s done worse than pad a bill.”

“I’m not setting my standards by the likes of him. Just because we’re in a dirty business is no reason not to stay clean.”

“Alright, you’re boss. It might not be what I think anyway. At this point, it looks bad, but it could be innocent.”

“What exactly do you have right now?”

“She met a dude at your favorite beachside bar. They’re sitting in the back corner drinking cocktails; I’d say they ordered food, so her lover might have some class. He’s buying her dinner first anyway.”

“Unless she’s paying.”

“I suppose, if it matters, I can find out who paid.”

“It doesn’t unless we need to prove she was there.”

“I’ve got that covered. I already got a few pictures, though I didn’t get a good shot of him.”

“Probably just as well. Whoever he is, the last thing he needs is to get on a guy like Stone’s bad side. I don’t want to be responsible for getting some poor sap killed.”

“Messing around with another man’s wife is what’s going to get him killed, if it comes to that. We’re just the messenger.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to be the messenger for that kind of business. I told him we’d find out what she’s doing and that’s it.”

“Fair enough, you want me to keep at it?”

“I can take over if you’re tired, but yeah. I don’t think Stone is worried about his wife having a drink with somebody. For all we know, it could be her brother or something.”

“Watching them, I wouldn’t bet on it being her brother. I’m good to stay on her. How dirty do you want to play this?”

“Get them entering somewhere together, preferably his place or a motel. Mark the time and get her coming out. That ought to be enough. No need to go all peeping tom on them.”

“What if I like to play peeping tom?”

“Do it on someone else’s dime.”

“Alright, did you take care of business?”