Page 20 of Heart of Lies

It didn’t matter at the end of the day, Alessandria was duty bound to her Queen and someone was lying to her. Someone within the castle was involved. She had to find out no matter the cost.

“I agree to your terms,”


I was hardly impressed as a woman led me into Ares' office. It was awful. The stone blocks that made up the box room were all chipped and cracked. The wall behind the desk, if you want to call it that, was covered in dripping water. Assuming a pipe had busted. And as for the desk, it was nothing more than a wooden table with some parchment on it. Hardly what I would have excepted from the Chief of the Military!

The iron door slammed shut behind me as the woman left without saying a word. Now, I understood what my secretary said that Ares' people being rude and awful.

On the way up I mentioned the tattoo on her hand from her squad. She shouted at me about the fact I know nothing about honourable service and I should shut up. It took all my willpower not to thrust my sword into her chest!

Noticing the bitter smell of beer mixed with the disgusting smell of chocolatey wine and a fruity taste developing in my mouth. I walked over behind the desk, hating the sound of footsteps echoing as I walked, to find easily twenty bottles of beer and wine there.

I suppose I understood now why mother went to rehab before she needed to. She was always good and cunning like that. A part of me smiled at the realisation she probably went to rehab to make sure she could continue scheming into her old age. Hell, she’s probably scheming our return to power!

As I played with my dulled blade, I thought about what I would say to this fool. I had no power but I might be able to find something interesting. But I really wanted to get home to Harrison.

The iron door scratched across the stone floor as it opened and Ares stumbled in. Wearing a horrifically short robe. He smelt of awful beer. I wanted to vomit. I know it was 5 o'clock in the evening but still!

“What do you want freak?”

I rolled my eyes at having to deal with this man.

“Your siege of the Greenscales’ land. End it now!”

“Never, dishonourable thing,”

“I am hardly dishonourable,”

“You do not serve. You do not continue to serve. You turned your back on the military,”

Again, I rolled my eyes at the stupidity and pointlessness of this man. This is one of the reasons why I hate people. Some of them are just so pointless.

“If that is your opinion so be it. Why did you siege their land?”

“We both know it is within my powers. You can go to a judge or the Queen’s Dominicus Procurator, but you will fai

l. They have no power to overrule me,”

I hate it when they know the law as well as I do.

My dulled blade span quicker.

“Why exactly siege it? You have no soldiers. Where would the food go?”

“I can and will siege whatever land I can,”


“That’s classified and none of your business,”

“One call to the Queen and she will declare you a traitor,”

“And she will deal with the consequences,”

“Is that a threat, Ares?”

His hands started shaking a little. Whatever alcohol he drank was hopefully starting to take effect. I hope it starts to loosen his tongue.