‘Had it as a project office for that bypass that were never built.’

Shona scanned the surrounding buildings. Disposing of a body was all about ease. It would be easy enough here.

‘Do you have CCTV?’ Shona hadn’t seen any cameras, but it was worth asking.

‘Are you soft in the head?’ He spread his arms. ‘How would I afford owt like that?’

‘You said squatters and immigrants. What did you mean by that?’ She came closer, studying Jones’s expression.

‘Thought they were moving in there, set up a camp. It’s what that lot do. Move in, take over.’

‘Did you see the local TV news over the weekend, Mr Jones?’

‘Dinna have a telly.’

‘Did you ever see a woman?’ Shona patted the air above her shoulder. ‘A little shorter than me. We’re looking for a girl. Young, blonde?’

‘Aye, there were lassies. Slags and whores, up to all sorts, I’m sure.’ He licked his lips and leered at Shona, who stared back impassively. He continued, ‘Came in cars. I heard women’s voices.’

‘Makes? Registration numbers?’ Dan asked.

‘It were dark. But flash cars. BMWs and the like. There were always a gang of fellas. Big fellas.’ Jones growled, as if his manhood was now in question.

‘So, you can’t say what these people looked like, what they were shouting or what cars they were driving?’ Dan summed up.

‘It’s your job, to catch folk.’ Jones bared a set of grey teeth and spat on the ground.

‘But did you ever see a young woman with long blonde hair?’ Shona persisted.

Jones eyed her, shaking his head, retreating behind his defences. She knew he was lying, but about what she couldn’t say. Jones probably had plenty to hide from the authorities. They could at least check his story about calling into the control room. She told Dan to take Jones’s contact details.

‘We may need you to give a statement. Mind if I have a look around?’ she asked when Dan had finished. She indicated the caravan.

Jones shifted uncomfortably. ‘That’s private.’

‘I’m only interested in a missing person,’ Shona persisted. ‘Or I can get a warrant? Come back with the Sheriff Officers. Give the place a thorough going over.’

Jones hesitated, weighing up the cost of resisting. Eventually he shrugged. ‘Have a deek about if you like. Makes no odds to me.’

Shona opened the door. A sour smell ebbed from the caravan’s dirty interior, the floor covered with overflowing binbags of clothes and rubbish. A stack of porn magazines lay open by the unmade bed. She caught Jones’s eye and he turned away, blushing. She stepped inside and made a quick search. There were no signs of violence or that a crime had been cleaned up. She’d be willing to bet there had been no cleaning up for a very long time.

‘Thank you, Mr Jones. We’ll be in touch.’ She tapped Dan’s arm and they turned and walked through the yard. Jones stepped into the caravan and slammed the door. Behind the dirty window, Shona could see Jones’s shadow watching them.

They walked through the yard towards a gap in the fence where it bordered the river. Strips of plastic caught on the barbed ends fluttered like flags in the breeze.

‘What do you think?’ Shona said when they were out of sight of the caravan.

Dan shook his head. ‘All charm, wasn’t he? He didn’t like it when you asked about the girl.’

‘No, he didn’t. Check out Mr Jones. Talk to the wife in Carlisle, will you? See what she says.’

‘Okay. Do you believe his story about the disturbance next door? Do you think he could have killed the girl?’

‘It’s certainly possible,’ Shona confirmed. ‘He’s a big fella. Not that fit, but strong enough. I think he was scared for his own skin when he called the disturbance in. Why draw the attention of the police if he killed her?’

‘He doesn’t strike me as that bright,’ Dan said. ‘A smokescreen? In case someone else reported seeing something.’

She furrowed her brow. ‘He said immigrants. Do you think our blonde girl could