Brooks stood and paced toward the wall, his shoes squeaking on the waxed floor.

“You’re a popular guy,” Brooks said. “So you and the two girls walked to the Formal Gardens? Did you do drugs?”

“Noah,” Cheryl Beth said.

“It’s okay,” he said. “We did some E.”

“Ecstasy,” Brooks said. “You always bring that when you’re out with women?”

“Lauren had it,” he said. “We took one each, watched the stars, and talked.”

Brooks sighed. Then: “Did you hook up?”

“Sure. That’s kind of the idea.”

“With both of them?”

Noah nodded.

“Man, you are a lucky guy,” Brooks said, circling around behind Noah. Cheryl Beth noted again how short he was, how he radiated short-man insecurities. It reminded her of certain doctors she had known.

Brooks said, “What made you kill them?”

“I didn’t!”

The deputy stepped closer and Noah slumped in his chair.

Brooks leaned in behind Noah’s left side.

“You own a knife?”

“Probably. Yes, I do. I have a couple from the service.” Noah leaned back and turned his head, but Brooks had switched sides. He spoke into Noah’s other ear, barely a whisper.

“What about handcuffs?”

“No, of course not.”

“Those girls had abrasions on their wrists. Somebody handcuffed them, Noah. I think that somebody is you.”

He shook his head, saying “No” over and over.

“We’re going to find the knife that killed those girls, Noah. We’re going to find the handcuffs. And when we do, we’re going to find your fingerprints on it. So why don’t you tell me what really happened.”

“I’m trying to tell you the truth. Somebody hit me from behind.”


He nodded and Brooks sat back down. Some anonymous sounds came from back in the jail, and Brooks leaned in, baring his teeth.

“You like to hurt women, right?”

“I never…!”

“You’re really sick to have done this, Noah. Carve up those girls that way.”

Noah shivered and sobbed.

Brooks’ tone shifted again. In a quieter voice, he asked, “Did the girls see this somebody? Did they warn you? Did they scream?”