“I’m playing with Casey,” Linzy said. “She can’t talk. And it’s your fault.”
Marvin spoke to Linzy, but he looked at Casey. “How do you know she can’t talk?” he asked. “Unless she told you.”
“Well … because she hasn’t said anything!” said Linzy.
“But how do you know it’s my fault?” Marvin asked, still staring at Casey.
Everything is your fault, Marvin, said Casey’s face.
“Well, you two have fun playing Candy Land,” said Marvin. “I just came to get my basketball.”
“Wait! Don’t go!” said Linzy. “You can fix her so she can talk again.”
“Oh, really?” asked Marvin. “How can I do that?”
“All you have to do is say you’re sorry for telling her to shut up,” said Linzy.
Marvin thought it over. He did feel bad about telling Casey to shut up.
Casey tapped Linzy’s shoulder.
“Oh, I forgot,” said Linzy. She giggled. “You also have to say that you ‘miss hearing her sweet voice.’ ” She giggled again.
Marvin reddened. There was no way he could say that!
“Well, first of all,” said Marvin, “I know she’s faking. Second of all, what makes you think I want her to talk again? I’m going to play basketball. Nick and Stuart are waiting for me.”
Casey glared at him. Her face said, If you leave now, you’ll be really, really sorry!
He turned and went down the stairs. He got his basketball out of the garage and headed back to Nick’s house.
The whole way there, Marvin thought about Casey. There was no way he would tell her he “missed hearing her sweet voice.” He was willing to say he was sorry. If that wasn’t good enough, well, too bad!
“What took you so long?” Stuart asked when Marvin finally made it back to Nick’s house.
“C’mon, let’s play knockout,” said Nick.
Marvin looked at his basketball. He suddenly realized something. How could Linzy know he had to say he “missed hearing her sweet voice” unless Casey told her?
Casey couldn’t have written it for her, because Linzy couldn’t read! That proved it. Casey must have talked.
“I have to go home,” he said.
“But you just got here,” said Stuart.
“I got stuff I have to do,” Marvin said.
“What kind of stuff?” asked Nick.
“Just stuff,” said Marvin. He couldn’t tell them about Casey being at his house. They wouldn’t understand. They might think he liked her.
He turned and hurried home.
He tapped the red post for luck, then went inside.
Linzy, Jacob, and Nate were playing cards on the floor of the family room. That surprised Marvin almost as much as seeing Casey earlier. Jacob and Nate never played with Linzy.
“Nate, do you have any sevens?” Linzy asked.