She said the numbers out loud. “Sixty-three million, eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand, two hundred and twenty-seven plus seventeen million, one hundred and six thousand, five hundred and forty-seven.”

Marvin’s mouth dropped open. He had never heard anyone add such big numbers.

“Marvin,” said Mrs. North, “would you like to come to the board and give us the answer?”

He closed his mouth.

Then he stood up and made his way to the board. He looked at the problem.

It was impossible.;

Mrs. North gave him a you-can-do-it smile.

He looked at all the people at the back of the room. They were all watching him. The three television cameras were pointed at him.

He looked back at the problem.

“You add it up just like smaller numbers,” Mrs. North gently reminded him. “Start at the ones column.”

He stared blankly at the board.

“Seven plus seven,” said Mrs. North.

His brain had turned off.

“Don’t think about the cameras,” said Mrs. North. “Seven plus seven, Marvin.”

Marvin looked around helplessly. Casey Happleton was making funny faces at him. She stretched her mouth in different directions.

He thought she was making fun of him. Then he realized her mouth was forming the word “fourteen” over and over again.

“Fourteen,” he said.

“Good,” said Mrs. North.

He wrote the number four and carried the one.

His brain started working again.

“Two plus four is six, plus one is seven.” He put seven in the next column.

He carefully went through the problem, one step at a time.

He was almost finished when there was a knock at the door.

Mr. McCabe, the principal, opened the door and said, “Excuse us. Do you mind if we come in?”

Another man was with him.

Marvin was pretty sure the other man was the president.

Mrs. North said, “W-w-w-welcome.” She wiggled her hand behind her back, signaling the class to stand.

Marvin was already standing, but he stood straighter.

Everyone clapped as the other man walked into the classroom.

“Thank you,” he said. “Please sit down.”