He could hear Waldo whining—or singing—as he took the key out of his pocket.

“Hi, Waldo,” he said through the door.

He unlocked the door, then carefully opened it so the dog couldn’t run out.

Waldo was sitting on the other side of the door. His big tail swept back and forth.

“How ya doin’, Whisker-face?” said Marvin. He petted the old dog.

Waldo didn’t want Marvin to stop petting him. Every time Marvin stopped, Waldo whined and nuzzled Marvin for more.

“Oh, Waldo,” said Marvin. He rubbed Waldo’s head and scratched him behind the ears. “You want to go for a walk?”

He got Waldo’s leash and the pooper-scooper.

They walked around the block.

It was only a little gross using the pooper-scooper. Marvin didn’t let it bother him. It was his job. He was mature and responsible.

When they got back, he checked Waldo’s bowls. Waldo still had plenty of food and water.

Before leaving, Marvin made sure the key was in his pocket.

Waldo whined.

Marvin petted him. “I’ve got to go now, Waldo,” he said.

Waldo nuzzled him.

Marvin petted him some more. “I’ll be back right after school,” he promised.

Waldo lifted his big paw and put it on Marvin’s arm.

“Okay, just a little longer,” said Marvin.

Waldo rolled over and Marvin rubbed his tummy.

Chapter 4

The Substitute

“You were alone in her house?” Stuart exclaimed.

Marvin nodded.

“Oh, man, what’d you do?” asked Nick.

Marvin shrugged.

They were out on the playground. School hadn’t started yet.

“Let me see the key,” said Stuart.

“Did you look in her closet?” asked Nick.

“No,” said Marvin. Why would he look in her closet?

“How about her refrigerator?” asked Nick. “Did you at least look in her refrigerator?”