Melanie and Warren pointed at Marvin as he made his way to his desk. He sat down.

The teacher stared at Marvin a long

time. “I don’t appreciate that kind of talk, Marvin,” she said.

Marvin didn’t know why she was picking on him. It was Melanie who said it.

Her name was Miss Hillway. She wrote it on the board.

“I’ll be your teacher for a week,” she said. “So let’s all try to get off to a good start. That includes you, Marvin.”

Patsy Gatsby sneezed.

“Bless you,” said Miss Hillway.

“Thank you,” Patsy said shyly, wiping her nose on her sleeve.

Nick leaned back in his chair, took a great big breath, then sneezed as loud as he could.

Miss Hillway smiled at Nick. “Bless you,” she said.

Casey Happleton sat next to Marvin. She had a ponytail that stuck out of the side of her head. Not the back.

Casey held her nose and said, “Ah-ah-ah-CHooooooooooo!” Her sideways pony-tail bounced up and down.

Miss Hillway didn’t bless her.

Stuart sneezed. Travis sneezed.

“Sneeze, Marvin,” whispered Casey.


“It’s funny,” said Casey.

“No, it isn’t,” said Marvin. It was silly. No wonder Mrs. North asked me to take care of Waldo, he thought.

“You think you’re so great,” whispered Casey. “Just because you went to the bathroom in Mrs. North’s house!”

Gina sneezed. Heather sneezed.

“My, there must be a terrible cold going around,” said Miss Hillway.

Everyone—except Marvin—laughed.

Kenny sneezed.

Then, Miss Hillway sneezed!

A whole bunch of kids blessed her.

“Okay, that’s enough,” Miss Hillway said. “I hope we all got our sneezes out. Now, let’s get back to work.”

Clarence sneezed.

Miss Hillway didn’t smile. “I’m serious now. I don’t want to hear another sneeze,” she warned.

“But what if you really have to?” asked Melanie.