Jacob patted Marvin on the back. “You’d be better off if you were expelled,” he said.

The phone rang.

Marvin felt his heart jump.

But it was just one of his mother’s friends.

He went to bed at nine o’clock and lay awake for at least two hours.

Mrs. North never called.

Chapter 12

I’m Sorry

Marvin tapped the red post—for luck—then bravely walked to school.

He entered his classroom.

Mrs. North wasn’t there.

“Have you talked to Mrs. North yet?” asked Casey. “What are you going to say to her?”

Marvin shrugged.

“Man, I can’t believe you’re here,” said Clarence. “If I were you, I’d be in Mexico.”

No one got close to him, not even Nick or Stuart. No one wanted to be seen with him when Mrs. North walked in.

The bell rang.

Marvin kept his eyes on the door.

“She probably can’t stop crying,” said Melanie. “That’s why she’s not here.”

Maybe she never came home, thought Marvin. That’s why she never called. Maybe she had such a good time on her trip, she decided to stay forever! Maybe she fell in love with someone. And she’s sailing around the world with him.

Mrs. North walked through the door. “Good morning, everyone,” she said. “It’s nice to see you again.”

She glanced at Marvin, then turned her head away.

He looked down at his desk. He thought he saw a flash of hatred in her eyes.

“Well, let’s see if anyone learned anything while I was gone,” she said. “This won’t be graded. I just want to see how far you got. Gina.”

Mrs. North handed a stack of tests to Gina, and Gina passed them out.

Marvin set right to work. He didn’t dare take his eyes off the paper.

Mrs. North was walking around the room. Marvin wasn’t looking, but some-how he knew.

She was coming toward him. He could feel it in his bones.

The room got very quiet.

She was getting closer.

He tried to focus on his work.