“I hate him too!”

Every day after school, he and Linzy played Mommy-Daddy or Doggie. Except when Linzy had friends over.

He thought about challenging Clarence to a fight. If Marvin won, then he didn’t pick his nose. If Clarence won, then he did pick his nose.

But Clarence was the toughest kid in his class. There was no way Marvin could win.

“Look out! Here comes Marvin!” shouted Amanda as Marvin entered the lunchroom. “Don’t let him touch you!”

He sat down at one of the tables.

Travis and Clarence came toward him.

“I have to ask you my survey question,” said Travis, “I’ve already asked everyone else.”

“What?” asked Marvin.

“What’s your favorite food?”

“Booger sandwiches!” shouted Clarence before Marvin could answer. “Marvin said he likes to eat booger sandwiches!”

Everyone laughed.

Mrs. Grant marched toward them. She was furious.

Mrs. Grant was the lunchroom supervisor.

Good, thought Marvin. Clarence will finally get in trouble.

But Mrs. Grant wasn’t angry at Clarence.

“Marvin Redpost!” she scolded. “Stop that disgusting talk right now! You’re going to ruin everyone’s appetite.”

“But I didn’t—”

“Just stop it,” said Mrs. Grant.

Marvin shook his head. He opened his paper sack and took out his sandwich.

“He’s going to eat it!” Clarence announced. “He’s going to eat a booger sandwich!”

Marvin put his sandwich down. He wasn’t hungry anymore.

“It’s not a booger sandwich,” he said. “It’s turkey.”

“Then why won’t you eat it?” asked Heather.

Marvin sighed. He picked up his sandwich and bit into it. “There, see,” he said.

“Ahhhhh!” screamed Heather. “He ate a booger sandwich!”

“It’s not a booger sandwich!” Marvin shouted.

Mrs. Grant grabbed him by the elbow and yanked him outside.


Worst of all.…