A little while later, Marvin opened the door to his classroom. He peeked inside. Everyone else was still outside.

“Mrs. North?”

“Yes, Marvin,” said his teacher, seated at her desk.

“I want to ask you my question for the class survey.”

“Good for you, Marvin. I’m glad to see you’re finally participating.”

“Have you ever picked your nose?”

Mrs. North sat up straight. “That’s no way to talk to a teacher,” she said.

“It’s for my survey,” said Marvin. “Have you ever picked your nose?”

“That is not a proper question,” she said. “You need to choose something more appropriate.”

“Have you ever picked your nose?” Marvin repeated.

“I’m serious, Marvin,” said Mrs. North. “If you ask me that one more time, I’m going to send you straight to the principal’s office.”

“I just came from there,” said Marvin. “Mrs. Grant sent me, for fighting with Justin.”

“There, see. And what did Mr. McCabe tell you?”

“He told me he picked his nose.”


By recess everyone had heard about Marvin’s question.

They couldn’t wait to answer it.

“Ask me!” said Gina.

> “No, ask me,” said Heather.

“Okay,” said Marvin. “Have you ever picked your nose?”

“Yes,” said Gina.

“Yes,” said Heather.

Then they ran away giggling.

“Ask me!” said Melanie.

“Ask me!” said Travis.…

After recess Marvin was ready to give his report. He stood at the front of the room.

Several kids were already snickering.

Marvin began. “As you know, I asked everyone the question—Have you ever picked your nose?”

Everyone cracked up.

Clarence called out, “How gross!”