Jennifer smiled at him. “I’m glad you stopped by,” she said. She held her hand out across the desk. “Well, good-bye Marvin. I mean—I was delighted to make your acquaintance … Prince Charming.”

Marvin blushed as he shook her hand.

His mother returned with Linzy and Jacob.

“Hi, Mom,” he greeted her.

“Mom?” she asked. “Does this mean—?”

“Yes,” said Marvin. “Marvin Redpost isn’t dead.”

“I’m sorry,” said his mother.

“Yay!” shouted Linzy.

He went out to dinner with his family.

A week later the King of Shampoon left Washington, D.C., still looking for his lost son.

Marvin felt sorry for him.

He thought about all the red-haired boys in the hotel room.

But he was different. Special. He was the one and only Marvin Redpost.

Besides, he probably wasn’t Prince Robert anyway. The odds were one in a million.

Don't miss a single Marvin!

The rumor is going around that Marvin is the biggest nose-picker in the school. Now everyone is acting as if the rumor is true! Even Marvin’s best friends don’t want to be seen with him. What can Marvin do?

“Vintage Sachar—ingenious, funny, gross—and with a believable resolution.”

—Kirkus Reviews

“Marvin’s the biggest nose-picker in the whole school.”

—Melanie, Marvin’s classmate

Marvin kisses his elbow by accident. Now he wishes he had pigtails and wants to play hopscotch! Everyone at school says that if a boy kisses his elbow, he’ll turn into a girl. Could Marvin be turning into a girl?

“Sachar writes for beginning readers with a comic simplicity that is never banal.”


“There’s nothing Marvin Redpost can’t do.”

—Stuart Albright, Marvin’s best friend

Marvin’s friends think he’s the luckiest boy in the world when Mrs. North asks him to dog-sit for a week. He gets $3 a day, plus a $4 bonus if nothing goes wrong. And he gets to be alone in Mrs. North’s house!

“Sachar’s finely tuned sense of how children think and feel makes his fourth book about Marvin and his comic misadventures entertaining.”

—The Horn Book Magazine

“Marvin’s going to use the bathroom in Mrs. North’s house!”

—Melanie, Marvin’s classmate