Some time later, the counselor’s door opened.

“Thank you, Dr. Pickell,” said Kathy, calling him by his proper name. “You are very wise. And I like your beard.”

“That’s very nice of you to say, Kathy,” said the school counselor.

She stepped out the door. “Hi, D.J.,” she greeted him. “Thanks for waiting. You’re a good friend.”

The smile left D.J.’s face. Something was definitely wrong with Kathy.

“Let’s go up,” said D.J.

“Yes, up,” Kathy agreed.

Now he was really worried.


Consider the Paper Clip

Read a book. Write a book report. Draw a picture.

That was the assignment Mrs. Jewls put up on the board.

Dana’s picture showed a giraffe studying a map. She had drawn a large question mark over the giraffe’s head.

Her book report only had to be one page, but she had written two whole pages. The Lost Giraffe was her favorite book ever!

Now all she needed was a paper clip.

She searched her desk.

She found quite a few pencils, mostly broken. There were lots of eraser bits and crayon nubs. There was also a crumb-covered pink piece of paper that had come off the bottom of a cupcake.

“Oh no, oh no, oh no,” she moaned as she continued to search.

She raised her hand.

“Yes, Dana,” said Mrs. Jewls.

“I need a new paper clip.”

“But I gave you one at the beginning of the year,” said Mrs. Jewls.

“I know, Mrs. Jewls. I’m sorry. I just can’t find it!”

Mrs. Jewls sighed. “I’m very disappointed in you, Dana.”

“I need a paper clip too,” said Joe.

Mrs. Jewls glared at him. “What did you do with the one I gave you?” she demanded.

“I think I used it on my science homework,” said Joe.

“I handed that back yesterday,” Mrs. Jewls reminded him. “Didn’t you save the paper clip?”

“I guess not,” Joe admitted.

Bebe was finishing up the last part of her picture. “Paper clip, please,” she said, without looking up from her work.