For just a second she felt a pang of sadness. Because she really did think Louis was kind of cute. Like a puppy dog.

She could almost feel the tickle of his mustache.


“Miss Nogard thinks you’re cute,” Jenny told Louis at recess.

“She’s hot for you, Louis!” said Mac.

“She wants to kiss you!” said Bebe.

“C’mon, let’s play kickball,” said Louis.

They played kickball, but it was weird. Louis, who was probably the best kickball player ever, did terribly. He tripped over the ball when he tried to kick it. And when Terrence kicked a pop-up, Louis tried to catch it, but the ball bounced off his head.

“What’s wrong with Louis?” asked Ron. “Is he sick or something?”

“Yes,” said Jenny. “He’s got a real bad disease. And it’s spelled L-O-V-E.”


The next morning Louis came to school with a bunch of flowers in his hand.

Jenny saw him. “Are those for Miss Nogard?” s

he asked.

“Oh, I don’t know,” said Louis. “I passed a field of wildflowers on the way to school. I thought I might give them to someone special.” He winked at her.

He headed toward the school building. Jenny followed.

“Oooh, flowers!” said Bebe.

“Are you going to give them to Miss Nogard?” asked Calvin.

“Oh, I don’t know,” said Louis. “I think she might have a pretty face, I mean vase.”

Calvin and Bebe followed along with Jenny.

Louis entered the building.

Miss Nogard was in the office. She was getting her mail from her box. Her back was to him.

Louis froze.

“Go on, Louis,” urged Jenny.

But Louis just stood there. The flowers rattled in his shaky hand, and several petals fell to the floor.

Mr. Kidswatter came out of his office. “Good morning, Louis,” he said. “What have you got there?”

“Uh, these are for you,” said Louis. He thrust the flowers into Mr. Kidswatter’s hand.

“They’re lovely!” said Mr. Kidswatter.

Miss Nogard turned around. “Those are very pretty, Mr. Kidswatter,” she said, then headed up the stairs.

Louis watched her go.