
The fire truck is red!

It hurried!

The siren wailed!

The house burned!

The firemen saved

The baby who screamed.

Pink by Dana


My favorite color is pink.

John is a ratfink!

Purple by Allison


The baby wo

n’t stop crying.

His face is turning purple.

Will anything make him feel better?

I bet a burp’ll.

Blue by Rondi


That was as far as she got.


Chapter 4

Doctor pickle

Actually his name was Doctor Pickell, with the accent on the second syllable. But that wasn’t why everyone called him Dr. Pickle.

Dr. Pickle was a psychiatrist. He had thick eyebrows and wore tiny glasses. He had a small beard on the tip of his pointed chin.

A psychiatrist is a doctor who doesn’t cure people with sick bodies. He cures people with sick minds.

Although Dr. Pickle had a pretty sick mind himself.

One day a woman came into his office. She smoked too much, and she wanted him to help her quit.

“I know that smoking is no good for me,” she said as she puffed on her cigarette. “It’s bad for my heart. It fills my lungs with gunk. And my husband won’t kiss me because my breath stinks. But I can’t quit!”