Under her arm she carried an old blue notebook… .


… Dr. Payne’s butler handed her a drink. The cook was making dinner.

Dr. Payne’s dog, cat, and husband were waiting for her in the den. Her dog’s

name was Brussels, and her cat’s name was Sprouts. She petted them both.

Her husband’s name was Sham. She petted him too.

“Hi, darling, how was your day?” he asked.

“I made fifteen hundred dollars,” said Jane.

They hugged and kissed. They loved each other, but they loved money even more.

Then they had dinner by candlelight as they watched the sun set over the lake. After dinner they sat out on the deck, under the stars.

Sprouts lay purring on Jane’s lap. Brussels sat faithfully by her side.

Life was perfect.

“I love you, darling,” she said, petting Sprouts.

“And I love you,” said Sham.

“I was talking to the cat,” said Jane.

The butler stepped out onto the deck. “Excuse me, madam,” he said, “but there’s an elderly woman out in the yard.”

Jane’s long fingernails dug into her cat’s neck.

“I wonder how she got past the gate,” said Sham.

“I don’t know, sir,” said the butler. “She’s probably hungry. Perhaps I can give her some left-over—”

“No!” shouted Jane. “Get rid of her!”

“Let me have a look,” said Sham. He followed the butler back into the house.

He returned a moment later. “Darling, you’ll never guess who’s here. One of your former teachers! Isn’t that just the sweetest—”

Jane screamed. She jumped to her feet. Sprouts flew off her lap and into the hot tub.

“What’s wrong?” asked Sham.

“You idiot!” shouted Jane. “I told you to get rid of her!” She kicked her dog out of the way, then climbed over the railing and jumped off the deck to the ground, fifteen feet below.

Mrs. Drazil came out onto the deck. “You can’t get away from me, young lady!” she hollered.

Jane hurt her ankle pretty badly when she hit the ground. It was either sprained or broken. She lay on the ground in agony as she looked up at her former teacher.



“You have homework to do,” said Mrs. Drazil, looking down at her.