Everyone turned around and looked at the goozack.

Suddenly it opened.

Todd entered. “I’m sorry I’m late,” he said.

“That’s okay,” said Mrs. Jewls. “I’m just glad you’re not sick or hurt.”

“My dad locked his keys in the car,” Todd explained. “We had to use a coat hanger to unlock the door.”

Everyone gasped.

Mrs. Jewls made Todd write his name on the blackboard under the word DISCIPLINE.



Chapter 8

Santa Claus

’Twas the last day of school

Before winter vacation,

And the children were having

A small celebration.


Their artwork was hung

By the blackboards with pride:

Snowmen, and mooses,

And a joyful sleigh ride.

They ate homemade cookies,

(Red and green ones, of course.)

When Kathy declared,

“I don’t believe in Santa Claus!”


She just opened her mouth,

And said what she said.

“Santa Claus isn’t real,

And besides that, he’s dead!

“So you bet I will pout,