To her relief, the original screen appeared.



She moved the cursor to REPORT CARDS and clicked the mouse.

Her screen looked something like this:



Mrs. Jewls pressed F1 and the following message appeared.

“What password?” Mrs. Jewls asked out loud.

She typed on the keyboard. “What’s the password?”

“I know that’s not the password,” she muttered. “What is the password?”

She tried, “Apple.”

She tried, “Boat.”

She tried, “Password.”

She tried, “Pig Lips.”

She tried, “If you don’t tell me the password I’m going to cry.”

She tried, “That is not the password.”

The report cards were due tomorrow!

There was only one thing to do. She had no choice. She had to do the report cards the old-fashioned way. By hand. She just hoped she could find all the old tests and stuff.

She jumped in her car and drove to school. She searched through her desk for her old grade book, and any old tests she could find. She dug through the drawers, the closets, and even the trash.



Mrs. Jewls found four answer sheets from a spelling test crammed in the back of a drawer.



1. rode

2. toad

3. towed

4. road

5. rowed