Mrs. Jewls thought it over. “I guess you’re right, Todd,” she agreed. “Okay, the quiz won’t be on Friday.”

“Way to go, Todd!” cheered Mac.

Everyone thanked Todd.

Except Joy. “Big deal!” she griped. “So it won’t be on Friday. It still could be on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.”

“It can’t be Thursday!” Bebe exclaimed with delight.

“What do you mean?” asked Mrs. Jewls.

“Well, we know it won’t be on Friday,” said Bebe. “So if the quiz hasn’t popped on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, we’ll know it’s going to pop on Thursday. And so then it won’t be a surprise anymore.”



Mrs. Jewls scratched her head. “You’re right, Bebe,” she conceded. “The quiz can’t be on Thursday. But that still leaves Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, so you better all study hard this weekend because—”

“It can’t be Wednesday,” interrupted Maurecia. “Because if it hasn’t popped by Tuesday, we’ll know it has to be Wednesday. And then it won’t be a surprise!”

“Wait a second,” said Mrs. Jewls. “Let me think about this.” She rubbed her face. “It can’t be Friday,” she muttered, “so then it can’t be Thursday… .” She rubbed her face harder. “It’s no good if it’s not a surprise. You’re right, Maurecia! Okay, so the quiz will be on Monday or Tuesday. But I still won’t tell you which day. You won’t know until I say, ‘Take out your pencil and paper for the—’ ”

“IT CAN’T BE TUESDAY!” Benjamin, Leslie, and Stephen shouted together.

“If we don’t have it on Monday …” said Benjamin.

“… then we’ll know it’s coming on Tuesday …” said Leslie.

“… and it won’t be a surprise!” said Stephen.

Mrs. Jewls frowned. “All right then, it will be Monday, but you won’t know until — of course you’ll know. I just told you it was Monday!” She shook her head. “Let’s just forget the whole thing. There will be no pop quiz.”

Everybody cheered.



(So, Mrs. Jewls never gave the quiz. There is no Problem 19. Sorry.)


Chapter 8

Oh, No!

“It’s time for multiplication,” said Mrs. Jewls.

“Oh no!” shouted Deedee.

“I don’t get it,” complained Todd.

“Today is not my day,” said Benjamin. “I am going to move away.”

“Don’t worry, hon’,” said Mrs. Jewls. “We’ll start with those.”
