Problem 26:



1. Begin by determining e and d in the addition portion of the problem.

2. Notice t x t = e (or a number that ends with e.)

This should give you t.

3. Try to figure out the letter o in rot.

4. Try to figure out r in the addition portion of the problem. (Notice it has to be an even number.)


Problem 27:



Notice that e x e = s and e + e = s. What are e and s?


Problem 28:



Begin with y in the addition portion of the problem. Then e. Then w.


Problem 29:



Start with the following.


1. e + d = e What is d?

2. e x i = e (or a number that ends in e) and w x i = w (or a number that ends in w.) What is i?


Problem 30 Spelling: You know that one student got every answer correct, and another student got every answer wrong. Therefore their answers must be different for every single question. Find the two students who never gave the same answer. To determine which of those two got them all right, check to see whose answers would give Jenny a better grade than Terrence.

Problem 31 Bugs: You know John got a better grade than Joe. They gave the same answer to every question, except for question 5. What does that tell you about the answer to question 5? (You don’t know yet how they did on the first four questions, just that they both did the same on them.)

Problem 32 Outer Space: Leslie got a better grade than Paul. Leslie and Paul only answered one question differently.