Mrs. Jewls believed

that the most important thing she could teach her students was the difference between true and false. She thought it was much more important than any of the other subjects because if students knew the difference between true and false, they could do well on any true/false test in any other subject. She always said, “If you learn nothing else in my class all year, I’ll be satisfied as long as you learn the difference between true and false.”

Here are some of Mrs. Jewls’s true/false tests:


After each statement, circle the letter T if you think the statement is true, or the letter F if you think the statement is false.


1. The answer to this statement is the same as the answer to statement number 2.


2. The answer to this statement is different from the answer to statement number 1.



In order to solve the above problem, it is necessary to look at both statements, together. In the next problem it will be necessary to look at all three statements together.


After each statement, put a triangle around the letter T if you think the statement is true, or the letter F if you think the statement is false.


1. Statement number 3 is false.


2. Statement number 1 is true.


3. The answers to statements 1 and 2 are the same.


“I can’t figure these out at all,” complained Myron. “I was always taught never to tell a lie and to trust my teachers. But you’ve lied on half the statements you wrote.”

“I don’t even know which word rhymes with blue,” said Stephen.

“That’s because you’re both so stupid,” said Joy. “I got a hundred percent.”

Mrs. Jewls could see that Myron and Stephen were very upset. She didn’t want them to give up. So she made up three separate tests, one for Stephen, one for Myron, and one for Joy.

PROBLEM 45 — Myron’s Test

After each statement, underline the letter T if you think the statement is true, or the letter F if you think the statement is false.


1. Statement number 2 is true.
