Dameon was Myron’s best friend. “This is stupid,” he said. “I want to play whatever game Myron plays.” He went to join his friend.

Now how many played each game?


“This is taking too long,” said Todd. “We haven’t even chosen teams yet and recess is almost over. I’m going to play freeze tag.” He ran to the area where the other kids were playing.

“Newcomers are It,” said Allison when Todd arrived. When the game finally started, who was It?


Chapter 6

Science, geography, etc.

Mrs. Jewls hated having to give her students grades. She thought that it was very boring to grade tests, so she usually did something else at the same time. She’d listen to records, cook dinner, take a shower, or often go bowling while she was grading tests. And many times, when she was in the middle of marking a test paper, something more interesting would come up and she’d leave the test and go do that. On such occasions, she usually forgot to finish up where she had left off.

This was fine until it came time to hand out report cards. Then she always had terrible problems. Her grade book was too soaked and soggy to read, and the tests were either lost or covered with food. It was almost impossible for her to figure out what grade to give to whom. Is it any wonder that she hated grading so much?


Here are the answer sheets from a science test:


Paul’s test

1. eggs

2. evaporation

3. Alligator

4. a potato

5. teeth


Todd’s test

1. milk

2. transportation

3. Alligator

4. a kangeroo

5. teeth


Sharie’s test

1. eggs