Bebe’s Baby Brother

Mrs. Jewls asked Dameon to pass back the homework.

Bebe Gunn waited nervously. Except for art, her grades had not been very good lately. If she didn’t start bringing home better grades, her parents said they wouldn’t let her stay up past midnight. She did her best artwork after midnight.

Dameon handed Calvin his homework, then Todd, then Joy.

“Where’s yours?” asked Calvin.

“I don’t know,” said Bebe.

“Did you do it?” asked Calvin.

“Yes, I did it,” said Bebe. “I worked extra hard on it! I hope Mrs. Jewls didn’t lose it.”

Dameon finished passing out the homework. Bebe never got hers.

“Bebe, will you come here, please,” said Mrs. Jewls.

She pushed out of her seat, stood up, and nervously walked to Mrs. Jewls’s desk. “I did my homework, Mrs. Jewls,” she said. “Really!”

“Yes, I know,” said Mrs. Jewls. She held Bebe’s homework in her hand.

“Whew!” Bebe sighed with relief. “I was afraid you lost it!”

“No, I didn’t lose it,” Mrs. Jewls said sternly. She showed the back of the paper to Bebe. Someone had written:





“I didn’t write that!” exclaimed Bebe. “I love the way you smell.”

Mrs. Jewls smiled. “But if you didn’t write it, who did?”

“Ray!” Bebe instantly replied.

“Who’s Ray?”

“He’s my little brother. Ray Gunn. He must have snuck into my room after I was asleep. He’s always playing mean tricks on me. He knew how hard I worked on my homework.”

“Well, we’ll show Ray,” said Mrs. Jewls. She gave Bebe an A+. “There. I don’t think he’ll try that again.”

“Thanks!” said Bebe.

“You may have a Tootsie Roll Pop, too,” said Mrs. Jewls.

Bebe took a Tootsie Roll Pop out of the coffee can on Mrs. Jewls’s desk, then returned to her seat. She proudly showed Calvin her A+.

The next day Mrs. Jewls asked Dameon to hand back another batch of homework.

“How come Dameon always gets to do everything?” griped Kathy.