
“You sure it wasn’t fourteen?”

“No, just twelve.”

“How much did you sell them for?”

“I charged a small service fee. It’s not illegal. It’s called free enterprise, protected by the Constitution.”

“How much??


“I didn’t twist anybody’s arm. They all came to me. They wanted the tickets, and I charged a fair price. If they didn’t think it was fair, they didn’t have to buy them.”

“I just want to know how much.”

“A hundred and thirty-five dollars.”

“Did you sell any for any more than that?”

“Yeah, I sold two for three hundred.”

“Three hundred each ticket, or three hundred total?”

“Each. But I had expenses, too, you know. It wasn’t all profit. I had to pay for an ad in the newspaper. And gasoline’s not cheap. Plus I stood in line for like six hours. Time is money, right?”

“Did you have a partner?”

“No. I’m independent.”

“Ever heard of someone named Habib?”

“Habib? No.”

“How about Armpit?”

X-ray didn’t even flinch. “Armpit? Is that really like someone’s name?”

“Apparently. So you don’t know him?”

X-Ray shook his head.

“Please answer audibly.”

X-Ray chuckled and said, “No, I never heard of nobody named Armpit.”

“How did you first go about acquiring the tickets?”

“Say what?”

“The tickets you sold. Where did you get them? You mentioned standing in line for six hours.”

“Right. I acquired them the day they went on sale.”

“At the Lonestar Arena?”

“Right. I got there the night before and waited in line for like twelve hours.”